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Rethink Your Customer Experience Strategy With These 4 Emerging Trends

Infographic: Rethink Your Customer Experience Strategy With These 4 Emerging Trends

See what matters most to customers in our infographic highlighting the latest customer experience trends.

The world we live in looks decidedly different than it was three years ago. Back then, some businesses still considered digital a ‘nice to have’ and the majority of customers preferred to communicate with companies in-person. 

The pandemic has turned things upside down. It’s a digital-first world and customers expect a digital-first experience. And as customers spend more time online, they are presented with a world of choices that put brand loyalty to the test. It’s not enough for companies to just deliver a great product or service, or simply provide efficient customer support — today’s customers expect companies to meet them where they are. 

So to keep your customers close and happy, it’s important to pay close attention to their needs and know how you can help them. Here are four customer experience trends to help put your business on the right path. 

Trends are based on a survey of over 13,000 consumers and nearly 4,000 business buyers across 29 countries for our study, the State of the Connected Customer.

State of Connected Customer Infographic For details on this infographic, please click here.  

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