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How CRM Helps Small and Medium Businesses Win Customers

How CRM Helps Small and Medium Businesses Win Customers

CRM will help you deliver better sales, marketing, and service. Find out how CRM can help your business win more customers.

Customer expectations are always changing. As more and more customers become digitally savvy, it’s important that you adapt the way you do business. One thing that is increasingly important is a consistent customer experience. In particular, personalisation is becoming a vital part of marketing, sales, and service

CRM can help you with this task, and it’s not just for large enterprises. Based on the latest research presented in our Small and Medium Business Trends Report, 67% of growing SMBs have invested in CRM software. In the same report, more than half of SMBs that we talked to said they were investing in service, sales, and marketing technology. 

A CRM system gives you one unified view of your customers. It helps with contact management, sales management, productivity, and more. Using CRM helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability. 

  • Faster sales: Win more deals with less effort through automation of your sales process.
  • Smarter marketing: Find more leads and engage your audience with personalised content.
  • Better service: Keep more customers with outstanding personalised service.

Salesforce has solutions for every kind of organisation. Even the smallest business can get started with powerful CRM technology that will change the way they work. 

Read the infographic below to learn how using a CRM platform can help you win customers:

Download your complimentary CRM Handbook today.

Data sources:

* Win The Deal With The #1 CRM For Small Businesses:

^ Find Customers with the Best CRM Tools and Packages:

# Fifth Edition Small and Medium Business Trends Report

✝ Salesforce for Small Business: CRM and Customer Support Software:

For details on this infographic, please click here.

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