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Introducing New Made-for-Singapore Digital Skills Learning Paths

Introducing New Made-for-Singapore Digital Skills Learning Paths

Learn about Salesforce’s six new Singapore-themed learning paths. Use these to learn in-demand digital skills training like cloud computing.

Businesses are grappling with many challenges today. These include the transition to a work-from-anywhere world and the reimagining of core strategies that can meet changing stakeholder expectations. Businesses have to figure these out, all whilst driving growth and innovation.

At Salesforce, one of the challenges we are particularly passionate about tackling is digital skills and workforce development. With companies around the world rapidly transitioning to digital-first models, the demand for employees with digital skills has soared. However, current efforts to upskill and reskill talent is not keeping pace with this demand, and there is still more to be done.

Our newly launched Salesforce’s Global Digital Skills Index reveals a growing global digital skills crisis: 76% of the world’s workforce feel unequipped for the future of work. This sentiment resonates with 71% of respondents based in Singapore.

At the same time, only 29% of Singapore’s workforce say they are actively pursuing training on digital skills now. While 79% of respondents in Singapore have ‘advanced’ or ‘intermediate’ social media skills, just 34% feel prepared for the workplace digital skills needed over the next five years. 

The good news is that the appetite to learn is there. Nearly half of Singapore’s respondents say that they plan to learn new skills to help them grow in their current careers.


Businesses need to take the lead

In Singapore, there has been a lot of progress in expanding the breadth and depth of digital skills training over the last few years. However, according to Salesforce’s Digital Skills Index, it is clear that all nations, including Singapore, need to sustain and step up investment in digital skills urgently.

Now, more than ever, businesses need to take the lead in collaborating with governments, partners, and communities to tackle the growing digital skills crisis. 

At Salesforce, we are committed to providing equitable access to digital skills through a range of initiatives. These include: 

  • Trailhead, which has helped more than 3.7 million people, including over 85,000 in ASEAN, learn new skills for the future of work
  • Our Trailblazer Community, which empowers people to learn alongside Salesforce peers and experts

We also work with universities and government agencies like SkillsFuture in Singapore and Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) in Thailand to help workers reskill and upskill.

Taking a step further with new made-in-Singapore Trailmixes

To get more people in Singapore excited about starting their digital skills journeys, we are excited to launch six new bespoke Trailmixes, or learning paths, on our free online learning platform Trailhead.

Each Trailmix is focused on a specific in-demand digital skill. Completing one will earn you a special Singapore-themed badge that you won’t find anywhere else.

Raffles Trailmix

Raffles Trailmix badge

Like the founding of modern Singapore, all great stories start somewhere. Begin your learning journey by brushing up on these personal skills. 

Skills focus: Personal development skills

Merlion Trailmix

Merlion Trailmix badge

The Merlion: actual mythical creature, or successful marketing campaign? Learn how to devise your own digital marketing strategies here.

Skills focus: Digital marketing

Downtown Trailmix

Downtown Trailmix badge

The Salesforce ecosystem will create 18,600 jobs in Singapore within five years. Jump into our cloud and find out what the buzz surrounding cloud computing is all about.

Skills focus: Salesforce cloud

Mandai Trailmix

Mandai Trailmix badge

Count the birds, bees, and other flora and fauna you can find at Singapore’s biggest wildlife parks — then crunch those numbers like a pro.

Skills focus: Data analytics

One-north Trailmix

one-north Trailmix badge

Master user experience (UX) basics at the one-north innovation cluster, where start-ups with sleek modern products call home. 

Skills focus: UX Design

Jurong Quest

Jurong Trailmix badge

Blaze a trail and open up a new frontier of opportunities with these cutting-edge skills and technologies. 

Skill focus: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SME leaders, share these Trailmixes with your teams. If you want to take it a step further to kickstart your organisation’s digital transformation journey, check out the Productivity Solutions Grant programme, which offers subsidies of up to 80%.

Join Trailhead and our Trailblazer community

Whether you’re just starting out in your career, or are a mid-career professional looking to stay sharp, these Singapore Trailmixes provide a variety of starting points. There’s also a balanced range of difficulty for anyone looking to upskill or reskill.

Don’t learn alone! Grab a few friends or co-workers as you hit the trails and keep each other motivated on your learning journey. 

After you complete these six modules and pin the exclusive badges proudly to your profile, you might feel more confident about tackling more advanced topics. 

At that point, we recommend you fully immerse yourself into the hundreds of modules that Trailhead has to offer. Don’t forget to join the Trailblazer community to earn resume-worthy credentials and connect to opportunities worldwide.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll learn and build!

Hop over to Trailhead and check out our new Singapore Trailmixes today!

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