
Our entire business is built on social interactions.”

Donagh Herlihy, CIO

The university of anywhere

No one understands the power of social networks like Avon. As the world’s largest direct seller for 125+ years, the company’s entire business is built on personal relationships. There are 6.5 million sales representatives in 100+ countries, and whether they sell one-on-one, in a group, or online, “Avon ladies” need to be closely connected to customers—to understand their beauty needs, and which cosmetic, jewellery, or skincare products to recommend. As CIO Donagh Herlihy explains, “Our entire business is built on social interactions.”

Avon representatives eagerly embrace new technologies that help them make the most of every relationship. After all, that’s what determines their success—their relationships with customers and recruits, and the service they provide to them. Sales representatives are active on the Internet, participating in conversations about the Avon brand and earning opportunities. Social tools are an indispensible way for them to get closer to customers and their “Likes.”

Business visibility that’s more than skin deep

Avon initially called on Salesforce when it needed a tool to give its sales leaders greater visibility into their personal networks and business. A custom app shows campaign results, earnings, and downline performance in real time.

Herlihy explains, “We needed to empower our leaders to manage their networks so they have more opportunity to grow. Salesforce helped us deliver timely visibility into the activities within their downline business units, so they could drive the performance of their representatives and the growth of the business.”


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