Orient EuroPharma

We want to step beyond Asia to become a global pharmaceutical company. Connecting our business on Salesforce will help us achieve that and offer increasing value to our customers”

Olive Hsiao, Senior Project Manager for Business Process Excellence at Orient EuroPharma


new sales opportunities per day


Orient EuroPharma accelerates expansion as it dials up engagement with a new generation

Orient EuroPharma (OEP) is on a mission to enhance the health and beauty of its customers. Headquartered in Taiwan, OEP collaborates with international pharmaceutical companies to develop and commercialise new products. Understanding the ever changing needs of its customers, and enabling its 400 sales reps to work smarter and faster, is vital to the company’s success.

Olive Hsiao, Senior Project Manager for Business Process Excellence at OEP said the company needed an increasing amount of data to manage and drive its expansion. “We want to step beyond Asia to become a global pharmaceutical company. Connecting our business on Salesforce will help us achieve that and offer increasing value to our customers.”

A single platform for B2B and B2C customer centricity

OEP is widening its focus to engage with a new generation of consumers who want products and information for preventative health. The direct engagement is part of a new Customer Centricity program designed to help OEP build loyalty and trust.

The program is being piloted in Taiwan and comes on the heels of OEP connecting its business on the Salesforce Customer Success Platform. Hsiao explained that OEP needed greater visibility of its business to support its expansion in B2B and ultimate move into B2C.

“The management team needed a comprehensive view of all our customers and reps out in the field – across Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Salesforce was the only solution that would allow us to capture and access that information in real-time,” said Hsiao.

Today, the Salesforce platform and the Salesforce1 Mobile App allow all reps and managers – including resellers and distributors - to take care of business anywhere, anytime, on any device. They can also update customer records via Salesforce with the details of these conversations right from the field.

This mobility has reduced admin and paperwork for reps by 10% and enabled them to take on an average of one more sales call per day. Across the region that equates to almost 400 opportunities a day. 

Greater intelligence for faster decisions

The increased visibility of sales helps management and marketing teams to make faster, data-driven decisions. They no longer need to wait for quarterly sales meetings to discuss the effectiveness of campaigns or identify key opinion leaders. They can extract these insights from Salesforce and adjust their strategies right away.

“Sales and marketing teams now speak the same language and it’s much easier to measure the ROI on our campaigns. We’re also building our capabilities to segment and target our audiences more personally and effectively,” said Hsiao.

The company is already seeing results of its data-led marketing efforts with a series of successful product launches over the last two years. One of these resulted in sales worth $100 million Taiwanese dollars in just 18 months.


Sales and Marketing teams now speak the same language, and it's much easier to measure the ROI of our campaigns. We're also building our capabilities to segment and target our audiences more personally and effectively”

Olive Hsiao, Senior Project Manager for Business Process Excellence at Orient EuroPharma

Looking to the future with increased customer touchpoints

OEP is using Salesforce Service Cloud in its regional service centre to service both B2B and B2C customers. Cases logged from inbound calls are handled faster and more efficiently, and the information captured during those calls adds to the richness of OEP’s customer data.

In the future, OEP plans to extend the use of Service Cloud for outbound calls also. And it’s exploring the use of Marketing Cloud to connect with customers in even more ways.

“There’s a new generation out there with different needs from our customers in the past. They want more information on health and nutrition and they want it digitally. Salesforce will help us to evolve and meet those needs in the future,” said Hsiao. 



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