Pipeline has improved 40% and we're closing deals faster and smarter.”

Eric Alberto, EVP and PLDT Group Chief Revenue Officer

PLDT transforms from traditional telco to digital disruptor with Salesforce

PLDT is spearheading a revolution in the Philippines telecoms market with its pivot towards digital services. Its push into customer-relevant, game-changing solutions like big data analytics, machine-to-machine and Internet of Things is a bold move for the business which has a rich history as the Philippines’ first and largest telecommunications/ICT company.

“As a traditional telco, we knew we had to transform the business and that digital was the way forward. Now a few years later, we’re shaping the future of the industry and giving customers access to leading edge technologies,” said Eric Alberto, EVP, PLDT Group Chief Revenue Officer.

Through smart acquisitions and leading innovations, PLDT is already leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. And while it continues to charge ahead with building its digital capability, it’s also transforming its internal operations and customer engagement with Salesforce.

The Salesforce Customer Success Platform was the only solution for PLDT as it sought a platform that would give its people the power to engage, manage and collaborate more effectively and celebrate success. It also wanted to transform relationship managers into trusted experts who could inspire customers to challenge the status quo and adopt new digital technologies.

The Platform has initially been rolled out to PLDT’s Enterprise and SME teams, replacing spreadsheets with rich, real-time data and dashboards. Visibility and pipeline management has improved along with the dialogue between sales staff and management. They now come together to focus on future results rather than reporting, with data insights from Salesforce informing new strategies for success.

Data driving deeper customer engagement

Most importantly, new digital tools and a complete view of customer interactions are improving customer engagement. With Salesforce on the mobile, employees can capture new opportunities and access information from anywhere. Through Chatter, they can collaborate and celebrate new wins.

“The ability to share and track wins and opportunities instantly within Salesforce has been a real motivator for the sales team. Pipeline has improved 40% and they’re closing deals faster and smarter,” said Mr. Alberto.

PLDT has also experienced double digit growth in the two years since implementing Salesforce. It’s achieved 14% growth in the first half of 2016 with near 25% growth in new digital enterprise solutions

These results are aided by management who now have data at their fingertips to support and mentor sales staff and make faster decisions.

“Overall there’s a much more intimate understanding of the business and our customers which is helping us extend our lead into digital,” said Mr. Alberto. “And it’s all real-time knowledge, giving us the power to manoeuvre and shift tactics as needed.”

PLDT has plans to roll Salesforce out to more areas of the business, leveraging best practice from the Salesforce Premier Success team and implementation partners Accenture and IP Converge Data Services, Inc. (IPC).

The expanded rollout of Salesforce across the business will further enhance communication and engagement around customers and help PLDT offer a differentiated service experience.

For now, PLDT has achieved the agility it needs within its operations to further its transformation. “We now know our customers better, can engage with them faster and pick up new opportunities immediately,” said Mr. Alberto.


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