Siam Commercial Bank

Salesforce allows us to innovate continuously, finding new ways to bring exceptional service to our customers”

Kannikar Chalitaporn, President

Success Founded on Innovation

Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) understands that successful businesses abandon fear of change. Change is the driver for an innovation program that puts the customer first and keeps SCB in a leadership position.

A major economic crisis in 1997 was the trigger for an overhaul of internal processes at SCB. Keen to establish a business model capable of weathering a negative economy, "we had to find a new way of doing things," explains SCB President Kannikar Chalitaporn. SCB integrated Salesforce into key business operations and watched the internal culture transition from one of caution to one where employees are now hungry for change.

The results have been astounding. In the first one hundred years of business, SCB built up 34 billion dollars in assets – it has taken only seven more years to double that figure to 70 billion dollars. "We've done one hundred years of work in only seven years," states Chalitaporn.

SCB has grown from two to three hundred branches ten years ago to more than twelve hundred branches today. Now it has the largest retail banking franchise in Thailand.

A state-of-the-art data warehouse together with the Sales Cloud gives deep insights into customers' needs, delivering solutions and packages that are tailor-made for people's individual lifestyles.

SCB attributes its success largely to an ability to change rapidly to meet customers' evolving needs. Longer branch opening hours accommodate a growing trend for Thai people working increasingly long hours. Mobile and Internet based applications connect them with banking services from anywhere at any time.

Servicing the needs of modern customers requires a dedicated workforce – SCB has more than ten thousand service employees providing a world-class customer experience based on Salesforce. The Service Cloud helps SCB to deliver exceptional and consistent service to every customer. When a customer walks into a branch it takes less than a minute to understand them and engage in a meaningful conversation with them.

With Salesforce, Siam Commercial Bank thrives on innovation.


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