Siam Cement Group

Social Studio helps us protect our brands by identifying potential flare-ups and highlighting the best course of action.”

Kidakorn Angkanarak, Corporate Social Business Director

Listening in: SCG tunes ear to social media with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Bangkok, Thailand – Truly ‘social’ brands listen more than they talk. But when almost everyone is on social media, brands must scan millions of sources to hear what people are saying. With Salesforce Marketing Cloud, leading Thai corporate SCG stays tuned to social networks, blogs and forums. When the conversation turns to its brands, SCG knows what’s being said and what it must say.

“We know our brands are strong. Social Studio helps us protect them by identifying potential flare-ups and highlighting the best course of action. We’re ready for anything, now.”

-- Kidakorn Angkanarak | Corporate Social Business Director | SCG

One of Thailand’s largest corporations, SCG invests millions of dollars in building a rock-solid reputation. Protecting this investment has pitched SCG into social media, where it uses social listening tool Social Studio to monitor conversations about its business.

Kidakorn Angkanarak, SCG’s Corporate Social Business Director and chief architect of the corporate’s social media strategy, believes in contact centres and complaints channels, but recognises their limitations when it comes to managing reputation.

“In today’s world people live on social media and share their problems there first. News spreads fast on social media, and we must be prepared for that,” he said.

In 2013 SCG opened a social media office and went to market for a social listening tool, eventually settling on Social Studio for its ability to handle several languages and detect social trends and conversation ‘supercells’. Looking to manage social media in-house, SCG also rated Social Studio for ease-of-use and mobile readiness.

Look who’s talking

SCG’s early work with Social Studio gauged employee perceptions of the company’s desirability as a place to work. The results validated Social Studio’s potential and encouraged SCG to bring external audiences into the fold.

Today, SCG’s social business uses Social Studio to monitor conversations on social media, including Facebook and – a Thai-language website and discussion forum. Monitoring tracks customer feedback and sentiments related to SCG’s product brands and potential crisis issues. Down the track, SCG expects to broaden its use of Social Studio to analytics and product development.

“We know our brands are strong. Social Studio helps us to better understand our customers and their needs. We also analyse issues that could impact SCG’s reputation, identifying potential flare-ups and highlighting the best course of action. We’re ready for anything, now,” said Angkanarak.

Measuring up ‘social’ brands

SCG brands dominate Thailand’s 200-billion-baht market for building materials. In a move designed to boost its association with building design and aesthetics, SCG launched a social marketing campaign called ‘A place we stand.’ Celebrating SCG’s 100-year anniversary, the campaign announced the company’s plans for the construction of 10 public buildings. Celebrities championed the initiative on social media and a consumer promotion encouraged people to share photos of their ‘happy spaces’ with the hashtag #aplacewestand.

Social Studio tracked campaign progress, monitoring market responses, audience reach, key sentiments and brand associations. Reporting also identified influencers across topics and media.


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