Cloud Data Security & Privacy Solutions

Tailor Salesforce security and privacy add-on solutions to your distinct needs, encompassing monitoring and masking sensitive data, implementing backups to mitigate accidental or malicious data loss, and staying compliant with evolving privacy, encryption, and data residency regulations.

Securing and protecting companies across every industry.

Maintain data privacy and compliance.

Manage data residency and localised performance.

Title slide of the State of IT report, showcasing Salesforce mascot, Astro.

Read the 3rd edition State of IT Report with insights and trends from over 4,000 IT leaders worldwide.

A forest with desert mountains in the background. In front is a woman in a circle of dots that depict each cloud in the Salesforce platform with the Einstein character.

Maximise ROI with the #1 Success Ecosystem.

From support, expert guidance, and resources to our partners on AppExchange, the Success Ecosystem is here to help you unlock the full power of your investment.

Salesforce mascot Astro standing on a tree log while presenting a slide.

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Andrea Acciarri headshot with PwC logo at the bottom

Salesforce Shield enabled us to understand with a deeper level of granularity what's happening in the environment and even prevent bad things from happening.

Andrea Acciarri
Principal, Cyber, Risk & Reg, PwC

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Salesforce Security & Privacy FAQ

Cloud data security describes the policies, prodecures and technologies used to protect an organisation's cloud-based information from cybersecurity threats, including external risks like malware and internal concerns, such as human error.

Implementing cloud data security and data privacy solutions is essential to maintaining customer trust. This includes protecting against breaches, preventing data loss, staying compliant with industry-specific and standard compliance requirements, and ensuring consumer preferences are upheld.

Yes. Prioritising data privacy not only keeps you compliant, but also upholds your reputation, nurturing an environment of trust with customers and stakeholders. This is important for businesses regardless of their size, as legal and financial consequences can harm any business.

A comprehensive data privacy solution can protect your organisation’s valuable data from theft and manipulation, including your own intellectual property and your customers’ personal and financial information.

Start by evaluating the risks associated with your data. Ask our sales team to schedule a free security health check with one of our security architects to get valuable insights into your Salesforce orgs, with a focus on privacy, security, efficiency, and maximising your investment.

Pricing varies based on each business' individual needs. Our sales team will work with you to tailor a package that meets your requirements and price considerations, no matter your company's size or industry.