7 Trends Reshaping IT

The past few turbulent years have shown the business world the extent to which agility drives organisational resilience. So, just how are IT leaders using agility to innovate, manage the Great Resignation, allocate their IT spend, and secure an ever-increasing digital terrain? Pulse and Salesforce surveyed 500 IT executives across the globe to find out. Find the latest IT trends and best practices for success in our new report: 7 Trends Reshaping IT.

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The Toolkit for Digital Transformation Has Evolved


of respondents plan to invest in AI/Automation solutions

KPI is data governance

of surveyed leaders say they use low-code tools to drive efficiency and speed to market

Our analysis of 500 global IT security leaders across numerous industries reveals:

  • How automation and upskilling are helping IT teams weather the Great Resignation
  • Why data security has become the new enabler of digital transformation
  • How IT leaders are evolving their KPIs and spend to stay agile and resilient
  • 7 strategies IT leaders are using to maximise digital innovation this year
  • The surprising LOB teams that are now becoming digital creators via low-code tools
  • The five industries IT leaders believe will drive the most innovation in 2022
  • And much more.

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