Leading Through Change: B-Well Together
Leading Through Change: B-Well Together, a Health & Wellbeing Series
Join us for B-Well Together, a video series featuring resources and coping skills from leading wellbeing experts to support you and your family through these trying times. Sessions are hosted live each day. Click here to view the schedule.
Arianna Huffington
Founder and CEO Thrive Global and The Huffington Post
Sleep is an important factor in supporting your immune system. Arianna provides tips for getting better sleep.
Plum Village Monastics
Channel your breathing and practice gratitude during guided meditations led by Brother Radiance and others from the Plum Village Monastic community.
Jack Kornfield
Bestselling author, mindfulness teacher, and founder of the renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Take a breath and find some calm during this guided meditation session.
Dr. Kim Norman
Psychiatrist and Professor for Adolescent and Young Adult Health at UCSF
Learn how to deal with feelings of isolation.
Dr. Larry Brilliant
Epidemiologist, technologist, philanthropist, and author
A Q&A discussion about understanding the dynamics of a global pandemic including how to track emerging hotspots.
Trudy Goodman
Vipassana teacher in the Theravada lineage and founding teacher of InsightLA
Explore how to find your center and navigate uncertain times using a combination of meditation and psychotherapy techniques.
Chef Bill Corbett
Salesforce Executive Chef and Head of Culinary
Making healthy snacks can be a fun and creative project for the whole family.
Jerry Colonna
Author, founder and CEO of Reboot I.O., venture capitalist, and executive coach, CEO Whisperer
Discover how to examine our emotional standard operating procedures during stressful times.
Dr. Deepak Chopra
Founder of The Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global, NYT Bestselling Author, and Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego
Get insightful advice from Dr. Chopra about integrated approaches in the face of a pandemic.
Christiana Figueres
Former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Founding partner of Global Optimism, and Co-author of The Future We Choose
A conversation on understanding the roles that individuals and corporations play in a healthy future.