What Is First Call Resolution (FCR)? Benefits, How to Measure and Tips to Improve

Customers want their problems solved the first time they contact your business. Learn how to deliver first call resolution with the right strategy and technology.

First call resolution (FCR) measures your contact or call centre’s percentage of customer enquiries resolved on the interaction. This metric directly reflects on the efficiency and effectiveness of your reps in addressing customer needs quickly and completely — the first time.

Monitoring and understanding metrics is key to customer service success. Our latest State of Service saw an uptick in metrics tracking — including FCR, compared to previous years. In 2024, 80% of service pros reported tracking first call resolution versus 51% in 2018. That’s a big increase.

Here, we’ll look at the fundamentals of first call resolution and its impact on customer service.

What is first call resolution (FCR)?

First call resolution or FCR is a key performance indicator (KPI) documenting a simple fact: Customers want their issues solved the first time. If you don't resolve customer problems on your first try, customer experience and your brand reputation will be affected.

At best, customers will be frustrated but forgiving. Maybe they'll give you another try, but they're not sure they trust you. At worst, they never do business with you again and tell everybody why. With social media, a negative experience is easy to quickly spread far and wide. FCR helps you to prevent these scenarios.

Besides FCR, there are more customer service metrics that can provide insight into what you’re doing right and wrong. Here are some others to think about:

  • Average handle time: how long your reps spend on each customer interaction
  • Service level: the percentage of calls handled within a time frame you specify
  • Abandonment percentage: how many calls never get through because of connection issues such as hangups, long wait times, busy signals or dead air
  • Customer effort score (CES): how easy is it for your customers resolve a support issue, find the information they need quickly and more

Creating holistic, KPI-driven strategies that synthesise data points from across your company help to make customer experience better.

Why is first call resolution important?

Breaking FCR down into its components reveals why it's fundamental to contact centre success:

  • First: The customer feels satisfied after the initial contact — not the second, eighth or 14th.
  • Call/Contact: The customer contacts you via their preferred communication channel — phone, email, SMS message, chatbot or another source.
  • Resolution: The customer is satisfied and has no need to call back.

When customers contact you on their preferred channel and you resolve issues in the first engagement, everybody wins:

  • Customers feel reassured for choosing you over a competitor. They're more likely to recommend you to others in their personal and professional networks.
  • Reps help more customers, expediting service and reducing the number of people who have to wait on hold. First call resolution data also can help you to improve rep experience, helping to mitigate service rep burnout and turnover. Your contact centre becomes more efficient and cost-effective — helping your business to boost productivity and profitability.

Business benefits of improving first call resolution

Improving your first call resolution rate can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Remember: it costs more to sign a new customer than keep an existing one; in fact, new customer acquisition is up to 25 times more expensive than retention of existing ones.

It can also help your contact centre to become more operationally efficient and profitable. For example, FCR reduces the number of repeat requests. It can also increase upselling opportunities. Satisfied customers may be more willing to make additional purchases.

Let's walk through the benefits of better first call resolution:

Higher customer satisfaction and lower churn

If you resolve 7 of 10 customer calls in the first session, then 3 of 10 customers put up with multiple engagements. That doesn't necessarily mean the other three are fuming with dissatisfaction. Some products, such as complex machinery, might require a half-dozen calls before the customer is satisfied. Either way, first call resolution data gives you a path toward improvement.

A lot depends on the scale of your customer service operations. If you get 10 customer contacts a week, it might not be worth the effort to improve your first call resolution from seven to eight. But what if you get 1,000 calls a week? Improving your FCR from 700 to 800 implies 100 happier customers across 52 weeks a year.

There’s thousands of opportunities to boost your reputation and strengthen your brand because people will spread the word that you back up your business with strong service.

Consistent, exceptional experience helps to keep customers coming back. Plus, satisfied customers tend to stay with what they know rather than risk switching to a competitor. This increases customer retention and reduces customer churn - setting you up to focus on existing customers for upselling opportunities and increasing revenue.

Rep motivation

Your best service reps know your products or services and understand your customers' pain points. They get straight to the point of figuring out why the customer called and how to resolve their issues quickly and efficiently. No surprise: they often have the best FCR rates.

However, customer service can still be stressful for even the best reps and result in burnout. First call resolution data can identify your highest performers and make sure they're not overworked. It also provides data support for pay increases and perks such as extra paid time off or on-the-spot bonuses.

FCR also identifies the reps who need more support. Take the time to meet with these reps to find out their challenges. Helping them to feel heard may get them back on track more quickly.

Make sure your entire customer service team has the training they need to be successful. Trailhead, Salesforce’s free online learning platform, is a great way for your reps to learn valuable customer service skills. Encourage them to join Salesforce’s Serviceblazer Community, where they can learn best practices from other customer service pros.

How do you measure first call resolution?

Calculating a first call resolution rate has three components:

  • Total customer service engagements
  • Total first call resolutions
  • Percentage resolved on the first engagement

Divide total first call resolutions by total engagements and multiply by 100 to get your first call resolution rate. For example, if your contact centre took in 1,500 calls last week and resolved 1,100 on the first call, you'd have a first call resolution rate of 73.3% — (1,100/1,500) x 100. That would be just below the industry standard for FCR, which is about 75%, according to TechTarget.

The math is the easy part. Everything else about measuring first call resolution gets more complicated.

Defining first call resolution. Your contact centre staff need firm guidelines on the specific meaning of first call resolution. What to clarify:

  • What is first? Knowing the precise timing of a customer contact is paramount. Is it really the initial contact for a specific purchase or product or is it a follow-up? Are reps dealing with an item that's been returned because of a defect? These and many more facets of "first" must be sorted out.
  • What is a call? Identifying the method of contact is essential. Did the customer keep in touch via a phone call, text message, chatbot interaction or social media post? Each contact and communication channel must be tracked and traced back to a purchase. Have you got tested, effective processes for making this happen?
  • What is resolution? Understanding the different meanings of "resolved" is crucial. Who decides that an engagement is resolved to the customer's satisfaction? You may think a customer is satisfied when they stop communicating with you. Reps may think everything's fine after they ask, "Do you need any more help?" and customers say, "No, thanks." A customer may cut off an engagement when they have all the information they need or because they’re frustrated with your business. A true resolution must take these perspectives into account.

Collecting first call resolution data. Your contact centre software should collect first call resolution data plus many more crucial KPIs on every call. Each application has different features and strengths, so you must find the best one for your company's needs. The app also must integrate with software for payroll, scheduling and customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Preserving data value. First call resolution data must be timely and trustworthy or it won't drive value for your customers. Modern contact centre software often can track first call resolution data in near-real time. This way, if an experienced rep is having a bad day or a new hire is making rookie mistakes, you can catch it in time to limit the impact on customers. Reps also need thorough training in your data collection processes to make sure you're basing decisions on authoritative information.

Finding your first call resolution sweet spot. Picture a continuum with zero FCR emphasis on the left end and total first call resolution fixation on the right. Both extremes are bad business. You're either doing nothing to boost first call resolution or you're pushing first call resolution goals so hard that customers feel rushed. Find a happy medium that improves service interactions without hurrying reps or customers or sacrificing customer experience. Lean into your customer service analytics to find the FCR that works best for your business.

First call resolution best practices

Improving your FCR rate is a sound tactic. But you'll do much better if you integrate first call resolution insights into your contact centre strategy. These best practices will help you do that:

  • Communicate your goals: Document your customer service goals and make sure everybody in the company understands them. Start with your customer service department heads and reps. Then let stakeholders in adjacent departments such as marketing, sales, human resources and finance what you're trying to accomplish, too.
  • Create comprehensive training programmes: Your reps need full training on entering an interaction, figuring out why the customer needs help, defusing conflicts and trusting their judgement when resolving issues in one session. Training must be ongoing and updated for new products or services.
  • Update your knowledge base and make it easy to use: Don't let obsolete or incomplete information in your customer service knowledge base hamper your reps' ability to help people quickly. Salesforce’s Unified Knowledge keeps everything — including 3rd party resources — in one single platform.
  • Collaborate across departments and functions: Leaders in departments such as product development need to know what you're hearing in customer service interactions. Passing along feedback can help them to improve products and reduce the need for customer support.
  • Implement modern technology and tools: Use customer service analytics tools to measure FCR rates over specific time frames, such as busy holiday seasons and normal business times when fewer customers may contact you. Contact centre software platforms increasingly rely on AI and automation to help managers plan for future staffing and resource needs and remove repetitive manual processes.

Choosing the right tools for first call resolution success

The leading CRM platforms typically include tools for managing contact centres, knowledge bases and AI-powered chatbots. If you're shopping for a CRM solution, make sure it has strong FCR data capabilities.

The best customer service software, such as Service Cloud, should offer:

  • Robust, real-time data analytics that help you to make more informed business decisions
  • Intelligent automation using AI and other tools to streamline call flows and optimise reps workloads
  • Omnichannel communications that let customers keep in touch to you on their favourite channels (voice, text, SMS, social media, email etc.)
  • Team training to ensure your reps and managers make the best use of contact centre technologies
  • Feedback mechanisms to allow reps, staff, customers and other stakeholders to flag problems and get them solved sooner
  • Integrations using application programming interfaces (APIs) to share data and software capabilities across your technology stack
  • Cloud-based platforms that simplify your IT operations and make it easier to scale up and down with seasonal customer demand

Tips for purchasing customer service software

  • Identify what you need: List the KPIs you hope to track along with FCR.
  • Get stakeholders involved: Talk to your reps, contact centre managers and product development pros about the shortcomings of current technology and the features they'd like to see.
  • Don't ignore customers: Include customer feedback from surveys and support calls in your decision-making.
  • Ask around: Talk to people in your personal and professional networks about their experiences with customer service software and processes.
  • Get-in-the-trenches user perspectives: G2 is a helpful resource that reviews popular software solutions. It often includes candid insights on the pluses and minuses of customer service platforms from people who use them every day. Check out the great reviews about Service CloudOpens in a new window on G2.
  • Research vendors: Check out brands' social media, blog posts, videos and knowledge resources such as demos, product articles and webinars. After you've seen a few software demos, ask vendors about software and API integrations, service-level agreements (SLAs) and total cost of ownership (TCO).

Resolving customer calls the first time

Prioritising first time resolution helps you to satisfy customers during the first contact. With issues resolved, customers get on with their lives and your reps can help even more people. Getting first call resolution right means:

  • Combining FCR with other customer service KPIs to glean data-driven insights
  • Finding the right balance to prevent over-emphasis on data that might alienate customers and reps
  • Selecting a customer service platform that uses AI and other forms of advanced automation to help you boost profitability and competitiveness

You may never know if a customer's issue is fully resolved. But you can use first call resolution data to make sure more customers finish the first support session feeling like they got what they came for. Make sure your entire team agrees that first call resolution is a KPI worth prioritising.

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