Personalized Upselling

Personalized Upselling

Sales reps have limited visibility into broadband performance metrics that indicate customers who may eligible for upsell. Utilize Service Level Objective (SLO) monitoring to proactively service customers experiencing degradation and identify upsell opportunities.

service level objective analysis

Service Level Objective Analysis

Monitor and analyze broadband performance metrics like bandwidth, latency and packet loss against predefined benchmarks to proactively monitor any bandwidth shortages that require upsell using Data Cloud.

Objects Referenced
Account, Contact, Asset

Data Sources
CRM, Data Cloud

Template Type
Record Summary

How to use
1. Navigate to Account or Contact
2. Click on Einstein
3. Select "SLO Breach Analysis" under Inquiry Type

GA Date / Live by
Coming soon*

upsell recommendation and activation

Upsell Recommendation & Activation

Recommend plan upgrades through alerts to sales, in-app notifications or email recommendations based on customer usage data against SLO benchmarks.

Objects Referenced
Account, Contact, Action Plan

Data Sources
CRM, Data Cloud

Template Type

How to use
1. After generating SLO Breach Analysis summary, select action, such as "Upgrade Plan," or use Flows to trigger in-app notification or email.

Coming soon*

DISCLAIMER: *Salesforce pre-built AI solutions are constantly being enhanced based on customer feedback and may not reflect actual product details. Solutions may not be currently available, delivered on time or at all. Customers should make purchase decisions based upon solutions that are currently available.

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