Efficient Inventory Management
DSD Supervisors manage field teams with many complex routes and constantly changing inventory. Save time by providing comprehensive summaries of their inventory status so they can resolve issues quickly.
DSD Supervisors manage field teams with many complex routes and constantly changing inventory. Save time by providing comprehensive summaries of their inventory status so they can resolve issues quickly.
Highlight the expected versus actual inventory checked out at the end of every tour. Contextualize these assessments with added detail like whether or not they were counted on truck, or a part of the original load document.
Objects Referenced
Warehouse, Tour, Advanced Order
Data Sources
CRM, Consumer Goods Cloud, Flow
Template Type
Record Summary
How to use
Open a warehouse account. In the einstein object, select "Inventory Check".
Coming soon*
Disclaimer: *Salesforce pre-built Al solutions are constantly being enhanced based on customer feedback and may not reflect actual product details. Solutions may not be currently available, delivered on time or at all. Customers should make purchase decisions based upon solutions that are currently available.
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