Financial Services

Complaint Management

Agents and Complaint Managers often spend significant time sifting through emails, messages, and call logs to fully understand a complaint case before taking action or speaking with the customer. Now, they can save time and quickly move to important actions and conversations with AI-generated complaint summaries and AI-powered tools that simplify and streamline complaint management.

AI Autofill Complaint Titles and Descriptions

Using Service Cloud Voice or chat, Einstein can now predict and auto populate the titles and descriptions of complaints based on voice prompting and keywords.

Object Referenced
Complaint Case, Account

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

Template Type
Prompt, Field Generation

How to use
This feature is a standard prompt and available in your org. Using Service Cloud Voice or Chat within your complaints dashboard, select to use Einstein in the right hand panel of your UX. Einstein will launch a series of questions based on keywords from the conversation, select answers to verify the correct title and description are captured.

Coming soon*

Complaint Summary

Give service agents complete summary of a specific complaint by consolidating information from all related sources (includes emails, chatter messages, and any other data associated with the case object).

Object Referenced
Accounts, Complaint Case

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

Template Type

How to use
This is a standard prompt available in your org. Navigate to your complaints dashboard select desired complaint case, select related prompt in the dropdown, click generate summary button.

GA Oct. '24*

DISCLAIMER: *Salesforce pre-built AI solutions are constantly being enhanced based on customer feedback and may not reflect actual product details. Solutions may not be currently available, delivered on time or at all. Customers should make purchase decisions based upon solutions that are currently available.

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