A customer service agent reviews customer case history details within Salesforce.

Find and Summarize Similar Cases

When customer service agents can quickly access resolutions to similar cases, they can resolve customer support inquiries faster. Use AI to access, summarize, and take action based on knowledge from previous cases.

In a chat window, Einstein Copilot receives a prompt to summarize a batch of customer service cases.
Copilot Action: Custom

Get Summary of Similar Cases

Agents and their supervisors need a high-level understanding of the most recent and important cases in order to identify any patterns. Copilot can give a summary of how cases have been solved based on a certain criteria.

Action Type

Object Referenced

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

How to Use the Action

  1. Invoke the action with: "How were critical issues solved today? or "What were high priority cases about?"
A chat window in which Einstein Copilot is prompted to summarize similar customer service cases.
Prompt Template: Custom

Speed up Case Resolution

Finding similar cases to a current issue or retrieving relevant information from the knowledge base can be a struggle. Leverage the Data Cloud vector database to index all cases and the knowledge base. Then, using the correct prompt, request that the LLM provide similar cases — and the steps for resolution from a knowledge article.

Action Type

Object Referenced

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

How to Use the Action

  1. Create a search index on Case DMO
  2. Create an Apex class to host the semantic search query
  3. Create a prompt template to retrieve the similar cases records from the Apex class
  4. Create a flow to call the prompt and display the results as a clickable Cases object
  5. Create a copilot action to trigger the flow and answer the question
  6. Invoke the action with the phrases: "Give me similar cases," "Propose me a case resolution," or "Do we have similar issues?"

For inspirational purpose only. Custom copilot actions require additional flow, prompt, and apex development. The Copilot product and development teams do not assume responsibility for the implementation, maintenance, or performance of custom actions. It is recommended that users engage qualified developers or consultants to ensure optimal results.

A Prompt Template Text input window.
Copilot Action: Custom

Case Classification

Act as a tier-one call center for async channels like email and web forms. Generative AI will categorize the case reason and set a sentiment score for the customer inquiry.

Template Type

Object Referenced

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

How to Use This Template

  1. Create a new template using the one shown here as a base, and add your own data.
  2. You can deploy flex templates in a Lightning page, Flow, or Copilot.
Salesforce Einstein mascot with examples of prompts for prompt builder.

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