Manage Patient and Program Outcomes
Life Sciences

Manage Patient and Program Outcomes

Assess and manage the outcomes of care programs and patient engagement with comprehensive summaries using Einstein.

AI-generated program outcome summary

Program Outcome Summary

Summarize care program outcomes with comprehensive information on the program, adherence, engagement, and patient satisfaction rates. Enhance programs with recommended actions to mitigate drop-off risks.

Objects Referenced
Care Program, Outcome

Data Sources

Template Type

How to use

  1. Navigate to the desired care program screen
  2. Use the "Generate Program Summary" button

GA Oct '24

AI-generated patient outcome summary

Patient Outcome Summary

Generate an extensive summary on patient engagement, adherence to care programs, and drop-off risks, with suggested actions to improve patient adherence to programs and treatments.

Objects Referenced
Care Program Enrollee, Outcome

Data Sources

Template Type

How to use

  1. Navigate to the desired care program enrollee screen
  2. Use the "Generate Patient Summary" button

GA Oct '24

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