Net Zero Cloud

Carbon Accounting

Use Einstein AI to identify which greenhouse gas (GHG) categories are associated with different emissions factors and categorize them rather than manually matching factors to categories.


Emissions Categorization

Scope 3 emissions contribute to the majority of a company's emissions. AI can identify GHG categories and match them with emission factor items.

Objects Referenced
Procurement Emissions Factor Sets, Procurement Emissions Factor Set Items

Data Sources

Template Type

How to use

  1. Go to Manage Procurement Emissions Factor Set in Scope 3 Hub and let Einstein assign the GHG Categories
  2. Go to Procurement Data Management in Scope 3 Hub and let Einstein assign the emission factors to your procurement items

GA Oct '24


Emissions Factor to Procurement Item Association

Einstein AI identifies emissions factor set items and can match these items to procurement items, saving a significant amount of time for sustainability managers.

Objects Referenced
Procurement Emissions Factor Sets, Procurement Emissions Factor Set Items, Scope 3 Procurement Summaries, Scope 3 Procurement Items

Data Sources

Template Type

How to use

  1. Go to Manage Procurement Emissions Factor Set in Scope 3 Hub and let Einstein assign the GHG Categories
  2. Go to Procurement Data Management in Scope 3 Hub and let Einstein assign the emission factors to your procurement items

GA Oct '24

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