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Explore how to generate a sales pitch with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to create a product or order recommendation with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to find and summarise similar use cases with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to answer customer enquiries with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to optimise client meeting prep with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to fast track patient data management with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to provide sales meeting support with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to create a close plan with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to optimise sales opportunities with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to analyse survey feedback with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to resolve customer issues with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to create client support summaries with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to handle transaction disputes with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to handle non-profit donor engagement with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to manage marketing campaigns with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to generate promotional content with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.
Explore how to create a promotion with Salesforce AI and see the use cases, benefits and step by step instructions.