With less than two days to go, some of us are still scrambling to find that perfect Father’s day gift.
The good news is, the Salesforce ANZ social team have come up with some really good ideas! The bad news? You won’t be able to get your hands on them until… say, around 2020.
Anyway, we are delighted to share with you the Top 3 of the COOLEST (at least we think so!) Future Techie Finds, just for Dad!

Who wouldn’t want one of these in the kitchen?

Anyone getting massive bouts of nostalgia?

Yep, take me for a ride in one of those anyday!
Happy Father’s Day to all the dreamers, innovators and all sorts of amazing Dads out there!
- RoboChef Inventabit
- Lexus Hoverboard Gizmodo
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle iTEchFuture