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4 of This Year’s Most Popular Webinars You Don’t Want to Miss

If you’re curious about what was top of mind for businesses in 2020, look no further than the topics covered in our most popular webinars from this year. Here’s a look back at some of the insights and stories shared by Trailblazers and Salesforce experts to take into the new year. 

At the start of 2020, it would be near impossible to predict the disruption that’s touched nearly every facet of our lives. From trips to the supermarket and our exercise regimes, to our children’s schooling and working from home — everything that we thought of as normal changed overnight.  

After the initial shock, businesses around the globe had to figure out how to not only survive, but thrive through an uncertain future and face whatever comes next. 

Throughout this challenging time, we shared myriad tools and resources (like this one, and this one) to help guide businesses through the impact of the pandemic, including webinars featuring insights and advice from the Salesforce community. Unsurprisingly, some of the most popular were focused on how to deal with the immediate and ongoing effects of COVID-19. 

As 2020 draws to a close, now is a great time to catch up on our top four most in-demand webinars. Check out the highlights below, and happy viewing!

How to help remote sales teams be more productive

The pandemic forced many businesses to adopt remote work practices in a short timeframe. While the move might have felt temporary at the time, it’s becoming clear that more flexible work models are here to stay. How can sales leaders support their sales teams when they’re no longer at the next desk over?

In this webinar, Salesforce’s RVP of Commercial Sales Nicole Woodley, Sales Director Nick Hultink, and Product Marketing Manager — APAC Jacob Hkeik shared their thoughts on how leaders can inspire their remote sales teams, keep everyone collaborative, and simplify processes to keep productivity high. 

The trio also touched on the importance of connecting with customers in new and different ways, especially when face-to-face sales are no longer the norm. As the panelists discuss, understanding and empathy are crucial.

Watch this webinar to learn more about:

  • How to connect with customers to understand their needs in a COVID-19 world 
  • Why focusing on product will not result in sales 
  • How to provide remote sales teams with clarity 

Your guide to reopening and growth

As restrictions ease and more businesses welcome back customers and employees, it’s important to set health and safety as top priorities. This is no small ask, which is why Salesforce and workplace safety organisation SafetyCulture teamed up to discuss best practices around reopening and growing your business. 

Salesforce’s Kathleen Francis, James Frawley and Tina Rozul were joined by SafetyCulture’s Hamish Grant to share practical insights into how businesses can tackle this important topic. 

Hot topics included scaling workplace safety standards while employees continue to work from home, as well as the trust and data privacy issues that remote work exposes. 

The webinar also challenged us to rethink what we class as a high-risk workplace. Given that in a global pandemic, every workplace is high-risk, businesses need to ensure the procedures and protocols that are in place keep both employees and customers safe. 

Watch this webinar to learn more about:

  • How to scale workplace safety standards 
  • Why we all must think of our business as a high-risk environment
  • How focusing on safety can give businesses a competitive edge

Unpacking the State of Sales: What are the next steps for sales leaders?

This past year has heaped challenges onto the shoulders of sales leaders, with many having to lead teams through uncertainty while deciphering the path forward.  

Our fourth edition of the State of Sales is a pulse check of how sales leaders are responding to the challenges they currently face, and how they are pivoting to meet changing conditions. This webinar explored the insights from ANZ sales professionals about what drives business resilience and growth. 

Three key insights had emerged from the research: the importance of empathy, trust and insights as sales professionals adapt to new ways of selling; the increasing need for strategic processes to support sales operations; and the acceleration of digital transformation. 

Keynote speaker Tony Hughes of Sales IQ Global, Fisher & Paykel’s Rudi Khoury and Salesforce’s VP Sales APAC Jo Gaines delved into the findings and dissected them to find practical steps business leaders and sales professionals can take to prepare for the future. 

Training, trust and the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence are all explored, while the top five tactics for sales success — including increased flexibility and simplified sales processes — are explained. 

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The key trends in a changing Australian and New Zealand sales landscape 
  • Practical tips to adapt sales processes for today 
  • Why AI and hiring go hand-in-hand 

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