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Hilary Cinis

My Background

Hilary is a human centred digital design leader dedicated to helping people connect to each other and with information. She has brought her cross functional design and leadership expertise to a wide range of organisations working on frontier technologies including Yahoo!, The ABC, NICTA, CSIRO | Data61 and Salesforce. She is a member of the Tableau Strategic Customer Engagement Team, where she leads engagements that combine a human-centered design-led approach and data experience specialisation with Salesforce’s world-class technology to help businesses shape strategic approaches to their data transformation and maximise their technology investments. Hilary’s strengths are in design thinking and systems thinking, collaboration design and facilitation, executable design strategy and rapid validation to ensure holistic considerations, feasibility and business value. She has extensive experience in data product design and is passionate about establishing holistic data cultures, social good and ethical digital transformation.

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