Sassoon Grigorian
As Vice President, Asia Pacific, Government Affairs at Salesforce, Sassoon is responsible for matters involving government affairs and public policy, and works with Salesforce's public sector customers. Sassoon has previously worked for Fortune 500 companies: Microsoft; eBay and PayPal. Sassoon has worked in the NSW State Government as an adviser to a former NSW Premier. He has served on numerous industry boards and associations including being co-founder of the Digital Policy Group, Australia's leading group on digital policy matters. He is also co-founder of Remitt, a fintech start-up. Follow Sassoon on Twitter @sassoon_g

Sassoon Grigorian spoke with workforce experts Patrick Kidd, CEO of Digital Skills Organisation, and William Sim, VP, Trailhead Academy, Salesforce to find out how to bring business, government and employees into the next digital wave.
By 2025 Australia will need 156,000 new technology workers, with 87% of jobs now requiring digital skills. This digital skills gap requires urgent action from business leaders and governments alike. The Salesforce-YouGov Digital Skills —…
Fewer than half of managers in organisations that are using or planning to start using Artificial intelligence (AI) are very confident that they and their companies understand the ethical risks. Here, Sassoon Grigorian recaps a recent webinar with leaders in ethical AI, Infusing Ethics into AI Policy.
A study by the Australian Council of Learned Academies has shown that 79 per cent of Australians surveyed want artificial intelligence programmed to be ethical.
Having Australia be a top 3 digital government by 2025 is a challenging goal.