Digital and traditional marketing play crucial roles in expanding audience reach and capturing leads. When used strategically, Marketing promises to boost results and, as a bonus, further strengthen consumer engagement.
Personalised marketing works because it focuses on the whole journey — not just the conversion. Here’s how to get it right with 6 of the best examples of personalised marketing in action to inspire you.
Brands using loyalty programs to drive growth effectively are doing so by embedding them across every part of the customer experience. There’s a growing recognition that long-term customer engagement requires more than just rewards — it demands a strategic, holistic approach that permeates the entire organisation.
Net promoter score, or ‘NPS’, is a way of measuring customer satisfaction. It presents customers with a simple survey, then feeds their answers into a formula to produce a single figure for benchmarking.
What if you could stretch every dollar of your marketing budget further while crafting personalised experiences for your customers? AI and automation can make this a reality for your small business.