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What Is ‘Phygital’? 4 Examples of Trailblazers Getting It Right

A new business revolution is taking shape, and it’s coming in the form of the ‘phygital’ experience. But what exactly does this odd-sounding term mean and how can you harness its potential to take your brand to the next level? Here, we explain the role of ‘phygital’ in the evolving business landscape and how it’s set to only get bigger.

Australian Retailers Association’s CEO on the Retail Industry’s Silver Lining

Over the past year and a half, Australian Retailers Association CEO Paul Zahra, has been a steadying and sobering voice for retailers far and wide. In the lead up to Paul’s keynote address at the Salesforce Industries Summit for Retail and Consumer Goods on 22 September, he has provided some thought-starters on the current state and inevitable direction of the industry.

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