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Infographic: How IT Leaders Can Build Employee Advocacy

The APAC Employee Engagement Report, released today, provides critical insights to help IT and people leaders as their businesses normalise operations and accelerate out of the current crisis. Jo Gaines on the relationship between technology and employee advocacy.  

The health and safety of our families, friends, and communities are top-of-mind now, but connections and engagement with our teams has also been bumped far up leaders’ lists. 

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Salesforce surveyed 3,000 office workers and 75 information technology (IT) leaders in Australia, Singapore and India to discover how workers want their companies to support them with technology, and how companies are using and can use technology to improve that connection and engagement.

When the scope of the pandemic became clear, we had to rethink whether this research would provide value to you now. We carefully dissected the survey results again; we looked for what else in those 3,000+ responses applied now more than ever.

We saw just one-third of APAC businesses had the technology in place to support remote work, with another third able to partly do so. No one could have known how quickly resolving this would become critical. We saw that technology teams and their leaders were tasked with keeping all employees connected, motivated and productive. 

As businesses now adjust to completely new ways of working – whether that’s remote working, transitioning back to the office, or something in between – technology teams continually enable the people in those businesses to support their customers and communities.

We created the APAC Employee Engagement report based on this research, to provide key insights that are critical to IT and people leaders now and as their businesses accelerate out of the current crisis:

  •  The business impact of disengaged employees

  •  The divide between employee expectations and work technology

  •  IT’s priorities for maximising employee engagement 

As we continue to adapt and evolve to new ways of working, this infographic shares some of the findings of the report to shed light on the relationship between technology and employee advocacy.

The Tech That Drives Employee Advocacy

The APAC Employee Engagement Report shares insights to support IT and people leaders as their businesses accelerate to growth.

The APAC Employee Engagement Report

Insights from more than 3,000 office workers and 75 IT leaders.

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