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How CRM Helps Small Businesses Do More With Less

Small businesses face the dilemma of balancing the need for efficiency against their customers' rising expectations. Achieving high productivity while delivering exceptional customer experiences may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

With a bit of help from technology, small businesses don’t have to compromise customer relationships for efficiency. Salesforce, the world’s #1 AI CRM provider, helps businesses of every size bring sales and service together with Starter Pro Suite to transform the customer experience. Here are five ways bringing your operations into one app with a small business CRM can provide solutions to the challenges that get in the way of achieving both productivity and customer satisfaction.

1. Get a Big Picture View of Your Small Business

The Challenge: Working with multiple tools makes it harder to know the ins and outs of your business operations and slows down work. 

The Solution: Whether you’ve got dedicated teams or your employees wear multiple hats, it’s important to have visibility into what’s happening across the business. Salesforce Starter Pro Suite acts as a command centre, centralising your CRM data to help sales and service teams organise their days and maximise productivity. This provides direct visibility into your sales pipeline and status updates on leads and cases, eliminating context-switching and increasing efficiency. 

Law Squared, a leading global Human Centred Law firm, previously had a collection of siloed systems that created a duplication of effort and data. In just three months, the firm streamlined its end-to-end management of legal services, from client onboarding to delivery of legal services to invoicing, with Salesforce. 

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2. Enhance Customer Experiences with Automation and Personalisation

The Challenge: Generic messages don’t grab customers’ attention or make them feel special, yet personalisation can be time-consuming. 

The Solution: The key to enhancing both customer experiences and efficiency is to use a small business CRM system that automates routine communications while providing opportunities for personalisation. 

The outreach app in Starter Pro Suite allows you to automate routine communications while adding a personal touch. Customisable email templates let you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, enhancing customer engagement. Customer insights can be viewed directly in your inbox, so sellers and agents can tailor emails without needing to switch platforms.

3. Speed Up Your Sales Cycle to Boost Revenue

The Challenge: Slow sales processes can delay deals and hurt your revenue.

The Solution: With Starter Pro Suite’s opportunity management tools, sellers can quickly create and send quotes, and then follow up with secure payment links for immediate transactions. This speeds up the payment process and allows your sales team to focus more on closing deals rather than administrative tasks.

Since turning to Salesforce, payment platform has reduced the time it takes to verify new customers from days to hours and increased the volume of payments on its platform by more than 5,000%, an amazing result for the team of 45 people.

4. Build Loyal Customers with Smarter Service

The Challenge: Clumsy case handling can frustrate customers and harm satisfaction.

The Solution: A bad service experience can cost you repeat business. Luckily, businesses of any size can improve customer service with Starter Pro Suite’s intelligent routing, which automatically directs cases to the right agent with the right skills and capacity, reducing resolution times. On a single screen, service agents can view complete customer histories, open cases, and upcoming renewals, ensuring personalised and informed interactions every time. 

For Audata, a software provider in the media industry, customer support used to be a one-man-show, handled by its Founder and CEO, Keegan Baker. Now, with Salesforce Service Cloud, Audata automatically resolves around 45% of inquiries, meaning Bakker is no longer continually attached to his phone.

5. Integrate Data for Comprehensive Insights

The Challenge: Disconnected data sources can make it harder for business owners to make informed decisions and spot opportunities.

The Solution: Integrate and enrich your small business CRM with external data systems like accounting software through Starter Pro Suite, then use Salesforce’s comprehensive dashboards to gain insights into business performance like sales revenue, case closure rates, and top customers. These regular insights help you make data-driven decisions that propel your business forward in a competitive environment.

Bring Sales and Service Together with Starter Pro Suite

The right technology can transform your business strategy, so you can find, win, and keep customers more easily and effectively. By integrating sales and service into a single platform with Salesforce Starter Pro Suite, you can work smarter, deepen customer relationships, and drive sustainable growth. Try it for free to see how the world’s #1 AI CRM can change how you do business. 

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