Financial Services Basecamp Agenda

Customers live in a digital-first world, and they now expect more from their financial services providers including trust, transparency, and convenience. As financial services firms adapt to these changing customer expectations, they are also striving to keep up with a growing array of channels, evolving regulations, and disruptive competitors. Hear how financial services trailblazers CBUS and MLC are succeeding in this era of transformation with personalised and connected engagement that grows customer trust and loyalty.

Lucy Stow, Product Owner at Cbus Super Fund
Sarv Girn, Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer, MLC Life Insurance
Kathie Johnson, SVP Industry Marketing, Salesforce
John Moran, AVP Financial Services, Salesforce
Shane Nichols, CEO and Executive Director, Good Return

Creating an amazing customer experience requires the ability to remove friction. Organisations who will shape tomorrow are working hard to remove friction from within their own walls. Research shows that fostering a culture of inclusiveness and equality, helps drive innovation and high performance. Join us to hear local Trailblazers tackle important everyday opportunities for you to drive innovation and higher performing teams through inclusion.

Jacqui Lennon, Head of Customer Experience & Product, Allianz Retire+
Elizabeth Bartlett, Division Director at Macquarie Bank
Chris Skinner, Futurist, Troublemaker, CEO, Board member

We're in an open data economy run by digital natives. We must overcome "digital transformation fatigue" as Open Banking and a post Royal Commission world present opportunities for Australian financial services providers – traditional and neo-banks alike. The decisions made today in the transformation journey will make or break future consumer trust.

Chris Skinner will share the lessons learnt by the winners of the financial services open data economy in Europe. As Head of People, Culture & Client Experience for Macquarie’s Banking and Financial Services business, Ros Coffey will share how a culture focused on employee experience and client experience has enabled the acceleration of Macquarie’s CX capabilities, and simultaneously improved employee engagement.

Join Chris and Ros as they challenge what the future of Australian banking looks like and show how Trailblazers can connect to their customers and employees in new ways. They will discuss:

  • How Australian banks can take advantage of lessons learnt overseas
  • Why a cohesive consumer-led technology, culture and data strategy is vital
  • What the risks are if Australian banks ignore the need for tech-powered banking with a human touch
  • Practical actions from leading global banks to prepare for the future of banking and its impact on consumer trust

Chris Skinner, Futurist, Troublemaker, CEO, Boardmember
Rosalind Coffey, Head of People, Culture and Client Experience, Macquarie Bank

As Banks and ADI's face looming go-live dates for open banking in Australia, it can be difficult to plan beyond minimal capabilities. By exploring possibilities enabled by Open Banking, participants can start to build in optionality for likely new modes of business and customer interactions. This interactive panel will explore and discuss topics including;

  • Capabilities required to excel in open banking
  • Models to best plan and execute
  • Impacts on financial inclusion and wellness
  • Thinking like a Third Party Provider (TPP)
  • Cross Functional benefits and opportunities
  • Possible new business models

Alex Trott, Managing Director - Financial Services Banking Lead, Accenture Australia; New Zealand
Lorraine Longhurst, Head of Partner Innovation, Basiq
Stuart Ward, Director, Industry Strategy, Financial Services, Salesforce

You're invited to an epic, action-packed Demo Jam where 6 apps will each have only four minutes to showcase the best of their apps with a real-time demo. The winner is chosen by you, the audience. Join us for this fast-paced, highly-anticipated match where Salesforce partners face off.

Alex Ulrich, Regional Sales Director Financial Services, Salesforce
Amilia Hird, Head of CRM Business, NAB

Join us at the end of the day in the Customer Success Expo for drinks and networking.