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Salesforce Ventures Backs Hopin, Europe’s Fastest Growing Startup

There are many qualities associated with successful founders, but what defines a visionary is something particularly special: the ability to see a trend before it even occurs. 

When Johnny Boufarhat founded leading virtual events provider Hopin, he dreamed of a future in which attendees to concerts, conferences and more could experience engaging, online events from anywhere and everywhere. 

Seems like a perfect idea in 2020 as a global pandemic hit. In Boufarhat’s case, he started Hopin in 2019, well before most people could even imagine a locked-down world.

Salesforce Ventures first participated in Hopin’s Series A last summer and was excited to follow on in the company’s most recent round of funding. Hopin’s $400M Series C and $5.6B valuation represent yet another inflection point for the tech industry within Europe, where Hopin was founded. 

“This is a remarkable achievement for such a young company, and a testament to the team’s relentless execution over the last two years and the size of the opportunity ahead,” said Alex Kayyal, Partner & Head of International, Salesforce Ventures. “We’ve also been thrilled to help bring Salesforce as a Hopin customer across numerous parts of our business and to also facilitate a product partnership conversation across the two platforms.” 

With access to even more funding, global talent, and a thriving ecosystem, Hopin is at the forefront of one of the most exciting times to build an enduring software business. Now, only time will tell where Boufarhat’s dreams will take him.

You can read more about the recent Salesforce Ventures investment here.

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