Trust Is the Media Industry’s Most Valuable Currency
The sunset of the third-party cookie has put media companies in the role of guardians of customer data. For them to win an increasingly complicated war for attention, they must prove their trustworthiness to their customers and that they’re deserving of consent to leverage their data safely and effectively. As part of that agreement, customers expect unprecedented value in return: secure experiences that are curated and personalised just for them. But what does it take to earn that trust?
To find out, Salesforce surveyed over 11,000 consumers throughout 2021 and some fascinating insights around privacy and information-sharing emerged. Dive into these findings to learn how media companies can earn the trust it takes to obtain consumers’ information and deliver the personalised experiences they crave.
OEM Trend #1: Adding Income with Aftermarket Sales
OEM Trend #2: Generating New Revenue with Expanded Service-Based Offerings
Challenge by Business Area
OEM Trend #3: Improving Relationships with Channel Partners
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