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Let’s Celebrate 1,000 Trailblazer Community Groups and Say #ThanksTrailblazers Together

Let’s Celebrate 1,000 Trailblazer Community Groups and Say #ThanksTrailblazers Together

We now have over 1,000 Community Groups thriving in 85 cities around the world from San Francisco to Seoul and more than 300 Community Group meetings every month.

Today we celebrate an incredible milestone for our Trailblazer Community. In the last month, we crossed 1,000 Trailblazer Community Groups where Trailblazers learn Salesforce with their peers, build their networks, and find mentors.

Many community members say that joining their local Community Group was a turning point in their Salesforce journey. They were welcomed with open arms and a world of opportunities. Each and every one of those turning points is why our community is so full of gratitude. And why this celebration is so important (and FUN!).

We hope you’ll join our gratitude-filled social celebration by following #ThanksTrailblazers on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. To kick things off, our Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer Parker Harris, and President and Chief Product Officer Bret Taylor said #ThanksTrailblazers to our Community Group Leaders. Then, read on for a gratitude-full walk down memory lane and get some ideas for your own #ThanksTrailblazers posts.

Then and now

When I started at Salesforce in March 2015, I immediately met some of our incredible Community Group Leaders. Their true passion, talent, and dedication to community work was (and still is) so inspiring. I knew that with those passionate Trailblazers in the lead, the Community Group program would have a bright future.

And now we have over 1,000 Community Groups thriving in 85 countries around the world (from San Francisco to Seoul) and more than 300 Community Group meetings every month. Group types span from traditional user groups to virtual groups focused on specific industries, to equality groups like Women In Tech, and Student Groups, too. Our leaders have also started another movement of 1-2 day Community Conferences.

Here are some other fun milestones along the way:

2015: Our first “State of the Union” and our first equality groups

At Dreamforce ‘15, we hosted 100 Community Groups Leaders at the first Community Groups “State of the Union.” We celebrated shared accomplishments, talked about our commitment to growth, and announced that we had grown to a whopping 300 groups. The energy in the room was electric. We were all thrilled! It’s still one of the best moments I’ve experienced in my four years at Salesforce.

Shortly after Dreamforce ’15, we invited to join the program. Geraldine Gray — a Salesforce MVP, mentor, and champion to many — started Girly Geeks in 2010 to help women connect at Dreamforce. The idea sparked and quickly became a phenomenon with over 30 global groups for women to help each other with careers, workplace challenges, and more. Girly Geeks joined the program and became Salesforce Women in Tech Community Groups. We now have 110 around the world!

2016: Welcome marketers and hello Community Conferences

In 2016, we welcomed Marketing Cloud and Pardot Community Groups into the program. This brought new audiences into our community and provided more opportunity for cross-cloud learning and collaboration. Our Community Group Leaders also hosted 11 Trailblazer Community Conferences in the U.S., Latin America, and Europe. These 1-2 day experiences are hosted by our Community Group Leaders to help their members get immersed in peer learning, thought leadership, and networking. What started as a dream and led to Midwest Dreamin’ (the first Community Conference) is now an international phenomenon that spans 25-30 cities around the world.

2017: Bring on the Salesforce Developers and Global Gatherings

In 2017, we joined forces with the Salesforce Developer Groups and announced that our program had grown to nearly 400 groups. And for the first time, our Community Group Leaders demonstrated their power to bring the best of Salesforce’s events to their local communities in a massive wave called Global Gatherings. For TrailheaDX ’17 and Dreamforce ’17 had hundreds of Community Groups hosted special meetings with curated content and fun to help their members get a taste of our marquis event magic. Check out the TrailheaDX ’19 Global Gatherings happening throughout June and July!

2018: Community Groups go to school

At Dreamforce ’18, we announced that we had nearly 700 thriving Trailblazer Community Groups. And 100 of those were Salesforce Student Groups led by future Trailblazers at colleges and universities. We started the Salesforce Student Group initiative at the end of 2017 as a pilot. From the outset, our Salesforce teammates and Community Leaders were all in and encouraged their alma maters to jump on board. And now we’re seeing Salesforce Student Group Leaders and members graduate with a pick of jobs because their Salesforce skills are in-demand.

2019: 1,000 and beyond, we’re an unstoppable force of change for good

From the bottom of our hearts, we’re so happy to say #ThanksTrailblazers to all of our Community Group Leaders, Community Group members, and everyone in the Salesforce Ohana who has supported this program over the years making the 1,000 Groups dream a reality! We’re so grateful for all our shared success so far, and all the good that’s yet to come!

Get in on the gratitude celebration!

If you’re new to Salesforce, you’re sure to get a fun glimpse into the magic of how our community loves to succeed together. If you’ve been around for a while, take a minute to share your own #ThanksTrailblazers message on your social networks. These little moments of thanks make everyone feel awesome, want to do more, and want to be part of this amazing movement — and that’s what it’s all about! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Thank your Community Group Leaders, who volunteer their time to start and grow groups, plan and host regular meetings, spend countless hours helping members, and foster this success effect that impacts the entire Salesforce ecosystem.
  • High-five your fellow members, for presenting their Salesforce insights and innovations to help everyone learn during meetings. For gladly taking your call, text, or message when you need a quick tip. Or for simply sharing a bit of advice or vote of confidence at just the right time.
  • Give your mentors and champions a virtual hug, for helping you find the right career path, lifting you up, and helping you find your dream job(s) — or “volun-telling” you to step up to lead a group or do something else beyond your comfort zone.

Get in on the fun, join your local Trailblazer community.

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