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How to Be a Great Global Marketer

How to Be a Great Global Marketer

Hear how VP & CMO Michael Peachey of Asia Pacific Marketing at Salesforce experiments with global marketing tactics to scale programs with international colleagues.

In this Marketing Cloudcast episode of How to be a Great Global Marketer, we welcome VP & CMO, Asia Pacific Marketing at Salesforce Michael Peachey. He reminds us that tactics dictate strategy, that ideas can be scalable, and when something is successful, you share it with international counterparts.

And what does Michael think is one of the biggest challenges that face global marketers today?

Ryan McCombs, Futureforce Recruiter
Using this data effectively can help scale marketing operations. Because even as a company grows, it can still approach marketing campaigns with an innovation mindset. Two important tenets of marketing for a global brand is that a brand needs recognition across languages and borders, but specific campaigns need to be localized to serve the customers in their geographic region. That’s why a customer-centric marketing strategy is an agile strategy.

Ryan McCombs, Futureforce Recruiter

By innovating fast — seeding and growing great ideas — you’ll be able to support another challenge of global marketing, working across different time zones, geographies, and regions. Creating a consistent global identity that also supports localization is incredibly rewarding and can net big returns. 

To hear more about how marketers can innovate while working with a global brand, listen to the complete episode and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher — or wherever you listen to podcasts.

To international marketers out there, we’d love to hear from you, email us at A huge thank you to Michael Peachey for being a great guest, and additional thanks to Don’t Panic Management, and for making this podcast possible.


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