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Top 5 Most Treasured Spring ‘20 Features

Top 5 Most Treasured Spring ‘20 Features

Here’s a review of the top 5 most treasured features in the Spring ’20 release, which goes into production this month.

Every major Salesforce release brings hundreds of new features and enhancements across a wide variety of products and clouds. Spring ‘20 is no exception, as you will discover while flipping through the Release Notes. Within this vast sea of goodness, there are always a few features that generate lots of buzz and excitement among our customers.

We hear about these top features in the Treasure Hunt, a fun online event that takes place in the Release Readiness Trailblazers Community, kicking off about six weeks ahead of the production release dates. Community members dig into their Pre-Release Orgs or Preview Sandboxes and share the nuggets of gold they treasure the most.

Here’s a quick review of the top 5 most treasured features in Spring ’20, which goes into production this month.

1. Assign tasks to queues

What is it: Sales reps can now share their workload by setting up shared queues for tasks and assigning tasks to them. Individuals can then take ownership of individual tasks from the queue’s list view.

Why people love it: This feature is one of the most popular and long-awaited requests on the IdeasExchange with over 55k points. It simplifies task management with fewer reassignments and eliminates duplication. No more waiting for work to be delegated or reassigned.


Learn more: When reps assign tasks to a queue, those tasks are available to members of the queue, which means everyone can pitch in to help.

2. Permission set groups for easier assignment

What is it: Now you can assign users a single permission set group instead of multiple permission sets. Permission set groups combine selected permission sets to provide all the permissions users need for their job. A new user interface helps you create and manage permission set groups.

Why people love it: This greatly increases the efficiency of granting permissions in a more granular way. If you have multiple users that typically need the same specific permissions or are looking to expand your use of permission sets, this feature is for you!

Learn more: Suppose you have employees in your sales department who work with Sales Cloud Analytics templates and apps. They also create, edit, and delete surveys and read, create, edit, and delete accounts. You have three permission sets that contain the permissions needed: Sales Cloud Einstein, Survey Creator, and a permission set based on the Standard User Profile. You can now create one permission set group containing all three and assign it to each sales user, giving them all the access they need — in one step.

3. Empty the Recycle Bin in one step

What is it: Empty your Salesforce org’s Recycle Bin in Lightning Experience with a single click. Previously, you either selected individual items to delete or had to switch to Salesforce Classic to permanently delete all items at once.

Why people love it: Admins can now manage the Recycle Bin from Lightning Experience without switching back to Classic.

Learn more: Users with the “modify all data” permission will now see the Empty Org Recycle Bin button when viewing the org Recycle Bin.

4. Opportunity contact roles in Process Builder and Flow Builder

What is it: Use Process Builder and Flow Builder to automate business processes that involve opportunity contact roles, so sales reps don’t have to do the work manually.

Why people love it: It saves clicks for sales teams! For example, you can create a process that adds a required opportunity contact role to every new opportunity. You can also send notifications to opportunity owners when opportunity contact roles are created or updated.

Learn more: In Process Builder or Flow Builder, reference the Opportunity Contact Role object as you would any other object. For example, create a process that adds an opportunity contact role to each new opportunity that has a related contact. Or use a process or auto-launched flow to notify the opportunity owner when a related opportunity contact role is updated.

5. Clone opportunities or campaigns with related records

What is it: This feature makes it simple to create recurring opportunities and campaigns. Cloning an opportunity now allows you to also copy contact roles, products, or product (line item) schedules. When you use the Clone with related action on a campaign, we duplicate your campaign record along with all its member statuses.

Why people love it: Your account reps no longer have to find and add related items one by one when they clone those records.

Learn more: In the Object Manager, find the Opportunity or Campaign object and select Page Layout. Add the Clone with related actions to the layout, and save.

Now, grab your metal detectors to find the treasures you love in Spring ‘20!

If you like live demos and Q&A, join our Spring ’20 Release Overview webinars to learn about new features from product experts. See how to make the most of Salesforce’s major releases with the Release Readiness Strategy Module and explore more Spring ’20 Highlights on Trailhead.

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