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The Importance of Giving Back

The Importance of Giving Back

Many of our employees say that giving back to their community makes them feel happy and fulfilled. Hear from an early Salesforce employee on the longlasting impact volunteering has.

We’re posting a series of vignettes to celebrate Salesforce’s 20th birthday. Follow our digital scrapbook to get a behind the scenes glimpse of our history.

Much has been said about how Salesforce incorporated philanthropy into our culture from the beginning, but few people understand the lasting impact of this choice. In the early years of Salesforce, our marketing team volunteered at Jean Parker Elementary. One Wednesday a month, we’d visit a 3rd-grade classroom and sit one-on-one with students as they practiced reading aloud. Afterwards, we helped with homework, worked on a craft project, or talked about life until the hour was up and it was time to head into the office. What a fun way to begin a work day!

Once a year, the students would visit us on the 3rd floor of the Landmark at One Market — our office. At one point, someone snapped photos of us reading with our buddies, and the students used them to write thank you notes to us the following week. This morning I found a note I’d saved from my 2004 buddy Angela, and it reminded me how lucky I was to have formed such a bond — both with an amazing young student and with a company who truly understands the value of human connection. 15 years later, I’m still grateful.


Salesforce Essentials helps you find more customers, win their business, and keep them happy so you can grow faster than ever. Learn more about our <a href="" target="_blank">small business CRM solutions</a> by following us on Twitter at <a href="" target="_blank">@Essentials</a>, LinkedIn at <a href="" target="_blank">Salesforce for Small Business</a>, and Instagram at <a href="" target="_blank">@SalesforceEssentials</a>.

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