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Weekly Digest: Mark Cuban’s Advice for Small Business Owners

Building a COVID-19 Resource Page: Tracking the Virus Through Actionable Data

Shark Tank judge Mark Cuban has some great advice for small business owners who are doing their darndest to think ahead.

This post originally appeared on April 29 in the Salesforce Blog’s newsletter, a weekly roundup of our most recent stories. Get on the list by clicking “Subscribe” above.

This week, as many U.S. states further coordinated efforts to loosen COVID-19 restrictions, we still can’t predict how this pandemic will pan out. But some businesses are plotting how to reenter office spaces while planning for different geopolitical scenarios. I chose today’s articles in the spirit of looking ahead despite uncertainty:

For all this future planning, it’s crucial to have a clear head. You might be saying, “Easier said than done!” Well, here are five powerful meditations I hope you find helpful.

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