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Experience This Meditation With Renowned Buddhist Practitioner Jack Kornfield

Experience This Meditation With Renowned Buddhist Practitioner Jack Kornfield

Renowned Buddhist meditation practitioner and author Jack Kornfield leads a video session on mindfulness and resilience through crisis.

Welcome to another edition of B-Well, a 30-minute webinar series, highlights tips, resources, and coping skills from leading wellbeing experts to support you and your families through these trying times.

Our last episode featured Thrive Global founder Arianna Huffington suggesting mindfulness “microsteps” to help you through each day. Today we share a session with renowned Buddhist meditation practitioner and author Jack Kornfield. It includes a ten-minute meditation “to remind you that you have the capacity to be kind and present no matter what.” 

Before the meditation, Kornfield reflects on the fact that many of us are “living two lives.” One is a work life where you have to stay connected to support your team. The other is a home life in which many of us are sequestered in ways we could not have imagined. And at the same time, many of us are carrying very deep concerns about the community at large. Ultimately, this video should help you internalize the notion that “This is the time for love.”

“Through difficulties like epidemics, earthquakes, tornados, floods — which are part of the natural cycle of life on earth,” says Kornfield. “The real question is how will we respond: with fear, greed, hoarding, hatred, ignorance or with generosity, clarity, steadiness, and for love.”

The B-Well series is part of a larger Leading Through Change initiative providing thought leadership, tips, and resources to help business leaders manage through crises. Check out some of our most recent articles:

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