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author name

Haley Kimmet

author title Accommodations Program Manager, Salesforce
My Background

Haley is an accommodations program manager in the Office of Accessibility. In that role, she's focused on examining the full employee experience to proactively remove barriers and ensure that employees with disabilities have every opportunity to thrive at Salesforce. Prior to Salesforce, Haley traveled aboard the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Legacy Tour bus to educate communities about the importance of the ADA, set up programs with Mobility International USA (MIUSA) to introduce international high school youth with disabilities to U.S. disability culture, and facilitated inclusive higher education environments for students and staff at the University of Minnesota's Disability Resource Center. Located in Minneapolis, she identifies as orally deaf, wears zebra print hearing aids, and is the proud mom of one human and three dogs (Stella, Theo, and Ted).

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