Sukhandeep Nahal
Sukhandeep Nahal is a Product Marketing Manager in AI Research, specializing in translating complex AI advancements into impactful strategies and messaging that resonate with diverse audiences. With a keen understanding of the AI landscape, Sukhandeep works closely with researchers and product teams to bring cutting-edge AI solutions to market, focusing on practical applications for enterprises and developers. She is dedicated to highlighting the transformative potential of AI tools, driving adoption, and empowering customers to harness the full capabilities of AI.
AI Research, Developer Productivity
We've introduced xLAM, our family of in-house Large Action Models, designed for function calling, reasoning, and planning. These models are designed to streamline and simplify the integration of AI into your workflows, reducing the complexity often associated with LLMs.
We're thrilled to announce the integration of fuzzy matching across all features in the Contact object, providing customers with the tailored solutions they require.