Vala Afshar
author title Chief Digital EvangelistVala is chief digital evangelist at Salesforce. He was previously the chief marketing officer of Extreme Networks. Before that, he was CMO and chief customer officer of Enterasys Networks responsible for global marketing and customer service and support.
This is our step-by-step guide to create a more customer-focused culture in your organization.
Brands need to build customer relationships and provide experiences that exceed expectations. If not, your connected customer will find a competitor who can.
Digital channels are driving more revenue, customers want more transparency, and jobs are becoming more tech-driven.
Eighty-two percent of customers agree a company’s trustworthiness matters more than it did a year ago. (And other research findings.)
What does customer engagement really mean for modern businesses? A new global study from Salesforce Research reveals some surprising answers.
Here's the second edition of "State of the Connected Customer"—digital customer research from Salesforce. This survey of over 6,700 consumers and business buyers globally uncovers the modern customer mindset. The report delves into the nuances of a tricky consumer landscape in areas like customer experience, B2B expectations, technology, and trust.