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Weekly Digest: Behind-the-Scenes of Our 50M+ Protective Gear Blitz

Building a COVID-19 Resource Page: Tracking the Virus Through Actionable Data

The future of shopping, contact tracing, and why COVID-19 has disproportionately affected African American populations. Here's a weekly roundup of our most recent stories.

This post originally appeared on May 13 in the Salesforce Blog’s newsletter, a weekly roundup of our most recent stories. Get on the list by clicking “Subscribe” above.

Even though the results of our latest survey show that working-from-home will become far more commonplace after the pandemic, physical workspaces still need to figure out what their next normal will look like. This week, we dive into a lot of those nuances: 

And we’re diving into some other important subjects, too: 

Finally, here’s the inimitable Jane Goodall, with what we can learn from this pandemic. 

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