In the Summer '19 release, Quip for Salesforce puts the power in admins' hands to set their team up to play fast, loose, yet disciplined enough to win the hearts and minds of their customers.
Trailblazers around the globe will be able to use the first enterprise-grade customer data management and activation platform to build a unified profile of each customer and deliver hyper-personalized engagement. Learn how.
Managing agent tasks is where AI technology can come into play. Agents can then use their emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills to build customer rapport.
Today, we’re introducing our newest features built to simplify access to information and collaboration. We want sales reps to never be more than a couple clicks or taps away from inputting and consuming the information they need in Salesforce.
Customer service is the most customer-facing ally a company has to drive loyalty. Top performers know if you lose your customer's loyalty, you lose revenue, profits, and margins.
Discover how AI plays a role in the future of work, jobs and skill set changes, the impact of automation, how to prepare your workforce, and much more.