High-touch service calls require more personalized service. We recommend adding an “order on behalf of” (OOBO) capability for your customer service reps, to empower them to help your shoppers at the highest level.
CSA built a complete customer engagement solution, fronted by robust B2B Commerce and supported by digital rights management, search, automation, and customer service — cloud-based solutions, most of them from Salesforce.
It's all about marketing, commerce, and service in this latest episode of the Road to Connections. Tune in to our web series to get the latest updates for Connections '19.
Transforming your customer service experience to deliver highly-personalized, efficient service isn't always easy. Find out how you can take customer satisfaction to the next level with Service Cloud at Connections '19.
It’s National Small Business Week, and to celebrate the achievements of small businesses everywhere, we share these free resources to help your business grow.
Recently at the Onboarding2025 conference in Silicon Valley, Salesforce Senior Director of Global Onboarding, Theresa Ludvigson, took the main stage to share Salesforce's “high-tech and high-touch” strategy for deeply engaging new employees.
Customer care helps businesses develop a loyal customer base. To improve the care you offer customers, you need to implement strategies that exceed their expectations.