Learn how a modern CRM system adds value and improves productivity in construction and engineering firms. An efficient, intuitive CRM system allows engineering and construction to streamline processes, eliminate redundancy, and scale. Make sure to check out the Skeptic's Guide to CRM for more information.
Delve into Trailblazer and LocoL founder Roy Choi's quest to make change by feeding America. It was the neighborhoods and people who populate it that led him to found LocaL. We caught up with him at a recent #MakeChange event and here is what he had to say.
Hear from musician and entrepreneur Natasha Miller, Founder and CEO of Entire Productions, on the value Salesforce CRM brings SMBs like hers. As you'll read Salesforce CRM allows her to grow the business, build customer relationships, streamline processes, and be way more productive than ever.
Focus on business outcomes with new Einstein Analytics Templates. There are three new types of templates for customers: Industry, Line of Business, and Productivity. The result is customers will have a fast, simple, and intelligent experience. Visit our Success Community for more.
Deep learning has significantly improved state-of-the-art performance for natural language processing tasks like machine translation, summarization, question answering, and text classification.
We’re thrilled to announce that Salesforce Commerce Cloud now also offers a leading B2B commerce solution designed specifically for businesses – Salesforce B2B Commerce!
Three sales terms seem to be used interchangeably—sales productivity, sales efficiency, and sales effectiveness. The differences in these terms are subtle, but important. One way to think of productivity is as the product of efficiency and effectiveness.
Here's the second edition of "State of the Connected Customer"—digital customer research from Salesforce. This survey of over 6,700 consumers and business buyers globally uncovers the modern customer mindset. The report delves into the nuances of a tricky consumer landscape in areas like customer experience, B2B expectations, technology, and trust.