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Connect Customer Service and Marketing to Drive Great ROI

Connect Customer Service and Marketing to Drive Great ROI

Streamlining and sharing data between Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud allows both teams to tackle productivity and compliance challenges.

Let’s say you’re going to a wedding this weekend and want to treat yourself to something like a new pair of shoes. You shop around online and after filling and abandoning a series of carts, you place an order.

Fast-forward to two weeks after the wedding, you’re still seeing advertisements for shoes on all your social media feeds. And, would you look at that, the pair you ordered is now on sale. It’s a frustrating experience for a customer. Nevertheless, the marketing team at the company you purchased shoes from may not have realized a sale was made.

But, as consumers, we relate to the brand as a whole, not specific departments within a company; and that’s why businesses need to have a holistic view of their customer. According to the Salesforce State of Service report, 75% of customers expect companies to provide a consistent experience however they engage with them. Marketing teams struggle to deliver consistent experiences for their customers when there’s a disconnect between data sources and multiple tools are in use to execute campaigns.

In that same vein, customer service teams struggle to connect issues reported through social media, chat, and calls with their advertising data, thereby missing out on the opportunity to personalize the customer experience and increase retention rates.

We’ve seen this issue with many Salesforce customers across a variety of sectors — they use the Service and Marketing Clouds, but they run separate applications siloed in the sales and marketing departments.

In an ideal world, communication between Clouds is automated with customer service and marketing teams working in tandem to have an informed and trusted conversation with the customer. Synchronizing data between Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud streamlines marketing and service processes and allows both teams to tackle productivity and compliance challenges.

By synchronizing data between your Service and Marketing Clouds, you can:

  • Increase client engagement with automated, personalized campaign journeys
  • Boost productivity by automating data synchronization and management, eliminating manual processes, and significantly reduce the processing time for new client onboarding and marketing campaign approvals
  • Have an integrated view of clients across marketing and service teams

Consumers interact with brands, not departments, which is why connecting your marketing and customer service efforts provides a better experience for your customers. Read more about how to deliver better experiences for customers through this financial services company’s experience.


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