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Keep it Brief: How to Write Subject Lines for Sales Emails that Actually Get Opened

Sales email subject line highlighted on a computer laptop
As a salesperson, a strong email subject line is how you get your foot in the door for a conversation with your prospect. [Skyword]

Stand out in a sea of crowded inboxes with personalization, urgency, and just the right dose of creative levity.

If you’re like most sales professionals, you probably still heavily rely on email — and that’s not going away. Even with the advent of social media and other messaging platforms, email remains a top channel for prospecting. In fact, research firm McKinsey found that email is 40 times more effective at hooking customers than social media. That said, there’s a pressing question many of us face every time we write one.

What subject lines actually get people to open?

I’ve made a list of the email subject lines for sales that have worked for me over the years. These not only get opened, but more often than not, they get the response I need to move the deal forward. I’ll walk you through some of these winning subject lines, and why and how they work.

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What makes a good email subject line for sales?

A good email subject line cuts through the noise and grabs attention. A bad one usually gets ignored, deleted, or — worse yet — sent straight to the junk folder, which can effectively block any of your future emails from getting through to that person.

Your email subject line needs to stand out, but you also need to keep it real. To increase your chance of an open, make sure your subject line is authentic and positive, and not overly promotional or sales-y. I’ll get into some examples of how to write a good subject line shortly.

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Why is a subject line important for sales?

A subject line is important because it’s the first thing people see when deciding whether to open an email. As a seller, it’s how you get a foot in the door for a bigger conversation. So, whether you’re cold-emailing or following up on a prospect who’s gone MIA, your subject line needs to spark interest.

I speak to sales leaders and business owners all the time, and one thing is clear: nobody needs more emails. They need better emails. Generic subject lines are a dime a dozen, and they don’t promise much beyond a bland sales pitch. But a unique, attention-grabbing subject line hints at something interesting waiting in the body of the message — more so if it offers a solution tailored to your prospect’s business needs.

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How to write subject lines for sales

Whether you’re sending that first cold email or following up with a prospect, brevity, personalization, and a sense of urgency are key to crafting a great subject line. A little creativity, and even some levity, can also help you stand out in a crowded inbox. That said, it’s important to track open and response rates on every email you send. You should regularly review and analyze data to identify what’s working — and what isn’t — especially if you’re sending sales emails at scale.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing subject lines for sales:

  • Grab attention. Possibly the most important thing your subject line needs to do is stand out from the crowd. Hit your prospect with something top of mind or relevant for them: a concrete opportunity, news in their industry, or kudos on a project they’ve worked on recently.
  • Make it short and sweet. Cherilynn Castleman, managing partner at CGI Executive Coaching, recommends using only six or seven words. Another school of thought says to keep it to 50 characters or fewer. In either case, you have just a few seconds to capture your reader’s attention and get them to open. Remember, if someone doesn’t know who you are, you can’t really afford to be “cute.” Instead, keep it succinct, focused, and straight to the point.
  • Be positive. Focus on creating opportunity and value. One subject line I’ll use is, “Generating more sales in Q2.” It’s positive, timely, and succinct. Depending on the recipient, I might use “Q2” or “2H24” — business owners tend to be very in the moment, so sometimes I’ll look ahead a few months in the subject line. That way it speaks to an opportunity they can seize right now to set up a bright future.
  • Personalize it. Use a customized subject line that treats your prospect like an individual and not a number. “No one likes to be treated like just another name on a list,” Castleman said.
  • Make it timely and relevant. Make sure your subject line addresses key questions the prospect has, like: “why now?” “why me?” and “why my industry?” This will help you get right to the point so you make the most of everyone’s time.
  • Focus on a problem. Every email you send should address a customer’s problem. And your subject line, combined with the email copy, should offer a solution.

Now that we’ve talked about what makes a good sales subject line, and why they matter, let’s look at some examples.

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31 types of sales email subject lines

These example subject lines are broken into four different categories. You can edit them to fit your specific needs, keeping in mind the principles outlined above.

Above all, be sure to customize any recipient or company names and time frames. Most email software can handle this for you automatically, but it’s something you should always double check. There’s nothing like a, “Hi [Name], do I have an [Industry] offer for you!” subject line to ensure your message gets immediately sent to the spam folder.

Subject lines for cold emails

Ah, the cold email. Most reps don’t like writing them and many prospects don’t like receiving them, but they’re a common first step in the prospecting process. The focus here is to get the conversation started. Keep it warm, relevant, and direct.

1. {Company Name} + {Prospect Name}

Why it works: Tailoring your subject line to a specific person at a specific company implies that you’re already thinking about your prospect’s unique business. Keep them hooked by addressing a topic or problem that matters to them, and do it early in your email copy.

2. {Goal or problem}

Why it works: Opening with a problem you want to solve for your prospect grabs their attention and shows you’re attuned to their needs.

Example: Motivating your sales team

3. {Shared interest or connection}, {an issue or problem they’re familiar with}, {new strategy/solution}

Why it works: In just a few words, you can make a connection and tease a better one. String together three associated words or phrases separated by commas: an interest you share with the prospect, a problem, and a solution. It’s relevant, it shows you understand the problems they’re facing, and it offers a next step — succinctly.

Example: ChatGPT, lost productivity, writing sales emails

Why it works: A referral in the subject line builds trust and credibility with prospects and it can make them more likely to respond. One caveat: Make sure the reference is legit. Don’t pull those LinkedIn stunts. That will get you blocked.

5. {One word}

Why it works: Using a single word like “Thanks,” “Update,” or “Thoughts?” is sometimes intriguing enough to increase your open rates and capture attention in a sea of longer subject lines. Just be sure you have something equally intriguing to follow it up with in the body of your email.

Example: Thoughts?

6. {Insert question about a timely or industry-specific topic}

Why it works: Asking a question — especially about a pain point affecting the prospect’s industry — shows you value their expertise. The ego stroke often earns engagement out of the gate.

Example: How are you handling abandoned cart rates?

7. Will you be my plus one?

Why it works: This asks a prospect to come on a journey with you — and makes them feel included.

8. X things smart {prospect’s role}s do

Why it works: This one taps into the prospect’s desire to be the best at what they do. In the body of the email, be sure to pay off the promise by describing specific actions they should take.

9. Can I help?

Example: Can I help with retention solutions?

Why it works: Offering help right away tells the prospect you’re in their corner and are focused on offering solutions. In fact, the State of Sales report found that 87% of business buyers expect sales reps to act as trusted advisors.

10. Looking for input?

Why it works: Asking for feedback lets your prospect know you’re willing to listen, which inspires trust and makes them more likely to share insights that will help you in the sales process. A word of caution: only ask this if you’re really open to honest — and potentially critical — feedback.

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Subject lines for follow-up emails

Follow-up emails are used after you’ve already reached out — via cold email, phone call, LinkedIn message, or other channel — and the prospect has sent an initial response, then gone quiet. Writing this type of email is a balancing act. To increase your chance of an open, John Barrows, CEO at SellBetter by JB Sales, suggests reiterating value and connection without being pushy or repetitive. When possible, make it clear you understand their needs and have valuable insights to share.

1. {Company Name} <> {Company Name}

Why it works: This subject line keeps your company top of mind. It also suggests you have a mutually beneficial relationship. If the prospect wants to maintain the relationship, though, they have to engage.

2. Your competitors are doing this to bounce back …

Why it works: This subject line does a few things. It addresses a relevant problem and piques curiosity around what competitors are doing to solve it — while also tapping into a bit of competitive spirit. “One of my clients increased her open rate from 3% to 12% with this subject line,” Castleman told me.

3. Can I be honest?

Why it works: “In my experience, a provocative question tends to perform better than statement headlines,” Castleman said. This intro invites readers in while creating a feeling of trust. It also suggests there’s some “tea” spilled in the email.

4. {X} options to get started

Why it works: Prospects love a short list of actionable items that can move them closer to implementing your solution. Inside the email, keep the list of options clear and brief: “Call me for a quote” or “Send me an email with your top three product questions.”

5. Me again, I know … but there’s a lot of cool stuff happening

Why it works: Using cheeky ways to keep a conversation going can be disarming and can help you stand out from the crowd. This subject line caught Castleman’s eye because it acknowledged that the sales rep was re-emailing the prospect (“I know”), but it also made her laugh and want to know more.

6. I thought about what you said …

Why it works: This reminds your prospect that you listened closely to what they said during initial conversations and suggests you have something of value to offer.

7. Did I lose you?

Why it works: I discovered this while testing ways to re-engage prospects after a gap in communication, and it led to a 47% open rate, making it my new magic trick. It’s authentic, conversational, and a little vulnerable.

8. Still interested?

Why it works: This puts the ball in the prospect’s court while avoiding pushiness, reminding them that they were interested in what you offered. Often, I find they’ll click through to remind themselves of what I talked about and why it piqued their interest.

9. Have you given up on {initiative}?

Why it works: This one comes from Chris Voss, CEO and author of “Never Split the Difference.” No one wants to feel like they’re giving up on something they’ve already invested time in. This taps the guilt/shame reflex, which can be effective, but don’t use it more than once or you’ll alienate them.

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Subject lines for prospects who haven’t responded at all

Some prospect outreach never gets a response, but that’s not always due to a lack of interest. If you’ve hit this stage, reemphasize your willingness to connect and help, so that when a prospect is ready, you’re the one they talk to. Plus, putting on the charm might get a laugh and a reply.

1. A quick video for you

Why it works: A recent Wistia report found that video is an effective way to generate and nurture qualified leads. Share a link to a brief video of yourself that directly addresses your prospect and lets them know why you’re so eager to connect. It’s personal, and that hits home.

2. Our call next week …

Why it works: If you don’t have a call on the books with an MIA prospect, the best way to schedule one is to proceed like it’s already a plan. They’ll be curious about the meeting (“Did I forget?”), and follow up to clarify. This gives you a chance to hook them with something of immediate relevance and value.

3. Meeting invite: {date}

Why it works: An invite makes the prospect feel special, and a preselected date gives them something concrete to respond to. If they’re not available, but interested, they’re likely to respond with a “I’m not free that day, but can do X day instead.”

4. {Unexpected question}?

Why it works: In a sea of emails, a little levity can help you stand out. Asking an absurd question will up your open rates. Just be sure to offer some relevant value in the email itself. For example, you could point them to a video so the outreach doesn’t feel like a bait and switch.

5. Reaching out one last time (LMK if I can help)

Why it works: This approach is low on aggressiveness, inviting (not pushing) the prospect to respond. It also adds a sense of urgency: They’re prompted to let you know why they’ve gone dark, which will help you craft a response that will engage them on their terms.

6. Saying no?

Why it works: This functions as a “pattern interrupt.” Your prospect is not expecting this language, and it prompts the response, “What am I saying no to?” This often leads to opens so they can get more information.

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Subject lines for meeting requests

The first time you contact somebody, your job is not to book a meeting — That’s the big mistake most people make. Your job with the first email is to grab their interest. If you send a calendar link or say, “Can we meet Tuesday for 15 minutes?” You sound just like everybody else. Instead, you want to try to spark their interest first, and book the meeting later.

1. Want to exchange ideas on {topic}?

Why it works: The goal is to catch your prospect’s attention with a topic you already know they’re interested in. It’s short and to the point, but open-ended enough that it’s not an obvious sales pitch.

2. How’s progress coming on {project}?

Why it works: Similar to the subject line above, this one is meant to catch their attention by referencing a specific project you know is in flight. It’s a good way to get someone to look twice because it’s relevant and timely.

3. Let’s look at next quarter’s goals

Why it works: This subject line draws on what I discussed earlier — that business leaders and owners are usually tied up with in-the-moment matters, but also always looking for ways to grow their business and plan ahead.

4. Ask me anything about {topic} — that’s what I’m here for!

Why it works: This one’s a little left of center, so it’s likely to catch the recipient’s eye. Adding a specific topic that’s of interest to them turns a borderline spammy subject line into something that’s attention-grabbing and personalized. It also helps you position yourself as a trusted advisor in your area of expertise, which can build trust with prospects.

5. Let’s talk about your upcoming event, {title of event} …

Why it works: Again, this one commands attention because of the specificity. It only works if you reference a specific event you know the recipient is involved with.

6. Hi {name}, I saw your presentation at {event} …

Why it works: What’s better than referencing a real, upcoming, or recent event? Let your recipient know that you saw them give a presentation, it grabbed your attention, and you’d like to speak further about it. Flattery goes a long way as long as it’s authentic.

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Do’s and Don’ts for writing sales email subject lines

Finally, here’s a cheat sheet of do’s and don’ts to help you remember the key points above. It’s broken down into things you should do, and things you definitely should not do, for quick and easy reference.


  • Be personal
  • Be authentic
  • Your research
  • Make an effort
  • Keep it succinct


  • Be a cliche (or generic}
  • Be aggressive
  • Do what everybody else does
  • Sound sales-y or lead with a sales pitch
  • Suggest a meeting right off the bat

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Other subject line tips

Considering what your email will look like on a mobile device is also important to bear in mind. As managing director with Everybody Works In Sales, I’m on the road a lot. When I travel, I’m opening the majority of my emails on my phone. If someone sends me an email with a long subject line, I’m 90% sure it’s a sales pitch. So, if you want your email to be opened, keep it brief.

Use the right language with the person you’re emailing. For example, how you speak to a sales leader will be very different from how you approach a financial director or someone who works in IT. Understanding what “languages” are spoken in different domains should be applied to the subject line of your email — not just the body.

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Craft better subject lines for emails that get opened

The best way to curate winning email subject lines is to test them and collect data to measure their success. Tastes and trends change all the time, so remember that worked last week might not necessarily work next week. Set up a process and a structure to constantly test your subject lines and analyze your open rates — and engagement inside your emails. This will show you how you’re performing so you can adjust your strategy as needed, adapt to audience behaviors, and see better results.

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