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How to Accelerate Your Top of Funnel with Sales Engagement

Featured Speakers:

Charlie Elbert, VP Sales Development, Salesforce
Victor Weilin Liu, Senior Director, Product Management, Salesforce
Spencer Grover, Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce

Getting top of funnel right is critical to starting your year off strong. But reaching customers is more challenging than ever as reps struggle to adapt to new ways of working, incorporate AI, and find time to build relationships. Successful sellers will be the ones who can stand out in an increasingly busy buying landscape.

That means engaging with customers where they want, automating simple tasks to create more space for meaningful connection, and using data to double down on what works.

Sales Engagement powers up your top of funnel to start the year off right, with actionable AI, CRM data accessible from everywhere, and automation to keep leads moving.

Tune in to discover:

  • Best practices to accelerate leads to close with Sales Engagement
  • How to use automation to get more from every selling second
  • The future of selling alongside AI

Your journey to faster sales cycles starts here!


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