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Marketing Cloud October 2019 Release Is Live!

Marketing Cloud October 2019 Release Is Live!

Marketing Cloud's October release has new capabilities, so you can learn more about the customer, personalize interactions, and engage across every channel.

The latest Marketing Cloud release is now live! With each release, Salesforce Marketing Cloud builds on our promise to empower marketers by giving them a platform to unify and manage customer data, personalize content and offers with artificial intelligence (AI), engage across every channel, and measure results.

With these new capabilities, you can learn more about the customer, personalize interactions to drive engagement, and engage with customers across every channel.

Join the New Feature Overview on October 30th to learn more about new product updates with insight from Salesforce experts.

Here are a few new feature highlights

Einstein Content Selection

Einstein Content Selection helps marketers save time and increase engagement by delivering the most relevant content at the moment of open. Learn More.


Distributed Marketing Quick Send from Case

Distributed Marketing Quick Send from Case gives corporate marketers the ability to enable business users to send personalized emails to contact, lead, or person accounts from case records. Learn more.


Audience Studio Enhanced Lookalikes

Audience Studio Enhanced Lookalikes allows marketers to target audiences with increased precision based on segment reach and defined segment size. Learn more.


Datorama Data Canvas

Datorama Data Canvas provides marketers with an accessible, powerful dashboard tool for building, designing, and sharing interactive data visualizations using out-of-the-box widgets and an intuitive UI. Learn more.


Datorama Harmonization Center

Datorama Harmonization Center gives marketers the ability to centralize, unify, enrich and validate their marketing data for faster, more accurate data prep. Learn more.


Google Analytics 360 SMS Tracking and Reporting

Google Analytics 360 SMS Tracking and Reporting helps marketers understand how journey-based SMS activities are driving customer engagement post-click, like what web pages were visited or the number of related conversions, by tracking and measuring SMS engagement in their customer journeys. Learn more.

Personal Social Manager

Personal Social Manager helps marketers provide sales with the tools to connect their personal Twitter accounts, identify relevant content to share and become thought leaders on social to build stronger relationships with prospects and customers. Learn more.


Audience Studio Identity for Marketing Cloud Integration

Audience Studio Identity for Marketing Cloud Integration helps marketers improve email performance using customer data such as signals from site visits. Learn more.

For further details on our new features, check out the resources below:

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