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Podcast: Congrats, You Survived the Holidays — Now What?

Podcast: Congrats, You Survived the Holidays — Now What?

In this episode of the Marketing Cloudcast, we’ll share the insights we learned this past holiday season from industry thought leaders and marketing experts to help you make your next move.

After numerous strategy meetings, creative builds, and content approvals, you delivered a stunning experience for your shoppers. What’s next? In this episode of the Marketing Cloudcast, we’ll share the insights we learned this past holiday season from industry thought leaders and marketing experts to help you make your next move.

We sit down with Jen Horner, Associate Director for Retail and Consumer Goods at DEG, an Isobar Company, as well as Hilding Anderson, author of “Reimagining Business in the Age of the Customer” and Head of Strategy for Retail at Publicis Sapient. We also catch up with Caila Schwartz from the Strategy and Insights team at Salesforce. She highlights trends her team saw this past holiday season, and how you can use these trends for your 2020 strategy.

To hear more, check out the latest episode of the Marketing Cloudcast: Congrats, You Survived the Holidays — Now What?




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