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How Partners and Customers Are Innovating Together During COVID-19

Building a COVID-19 Resource Page: Tracking the Virus Through Actionable Data

Gain inspiration from our powerful partner innovators who are working together with customers to make meaningful, virtual connections.

Some of the best stories of innovation and hope come from our partner ecosystem. Partners are a community of innovators building on the Salesforce Platform, enabling our customers to grow their businesses with AppExchange. In response to COVID-19, partners have innovated even faster to meet the needs of their customers, employees, and communities.

But amidst the tools and technology, there are stories. Partners focus on important aspects of their lives, and come together to do better for this planet we call home.

We thank these powerful innovators who work together with customers to make meaningful, virtual connections.

NICE inContact helps the United Way and Trupanion remain open

Public safety services needed to ramp up operations, and with AppExchange partner NICE inContact, they did so within hours. According to Ashish Seth, NICE inContact’s VP of Product Management, the United Way of Connecticut services millions of citizens while also keeping their employees safely working from home.

Leo Pellerin, CIO of the United Way said, “Every single 211 call in the state of Connecticut is being answered from someone’s house. We created a new call center and converted another one in the last week to keep up with increased demand. None of it would have been possible without NICE inContact.”

Here’s another NICE inContact story; and this one is very pet-friendly. This partner is working with Trupanion, a pet insurance company based in Seattle, to help them care for their pets during COVID-19. Ryan Olson, Manager of Contact Center Operations and Analytics, shared in this video about how they kept 900 employees safe while using NICE inContact to deploy a remote workforce.

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WaFd Bank gets money to small businesses in need during COVID-19 with nCino

Small businesses are turning to financial institutions to borrow much-needed funds. That means banks need a fast, efficient, and completely digital way to respond to their customer’s needs and help the American economy. WaFd Bank headquartered in Seattle, Washington, is leveraging AppExchange partner nCino’s online SBA Lending Solution to efficiently and digitally provide financing to small and mid-sized businesses through the Payment Protection Program (PPP).

“This is more about doing your small part to help our communities. To give some certainty to individuals during such a difficult time, that’s what it’s all about,” said Brent Beardall, President and CEO of WaFd Bank, “Banking, if done correctly, is a noble profession. We play a very vital part in getting the economy through this. Collaboration and transparency have been core tenets for us and have never been more important than are during the time we’re in right now.”

“The PPP, which provided $349 billion to small businesses affected by the pandemic, was scheduled to go live on Friday, April 3. The night before, the SBA changed some of the fundamentals of the program, sending financial institutions scrambling to update their systems and processes, with varying degrees of success. Thanks to nCino’s flexible and configurable system, WaFd Bank was able to quickly accommodate the new changes and begin helping small businesses the next morning, on time and on schedule. As additional rounds of funding are potentially made available in the coming weeks, the ability to change and adapt quickly will continue to be key,” said Beardall.

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Geneia builds new technology to triage COVID-19 patient calls

Hospitals and physician organizations are inundated with patients calling for COVID-19 information, testing, and care. At the same time, these organizations are challenged with unusually high staffing shortages due to COVID-19 exposures. Leveraging critical functionality on the Salesforce platform, AppExchange partner, Geneia created a free app for triaging COVID-19 patients, Theon® Care Management of COVID-19 Patients.

“We’re hearing from physician organizations and hospitals — especially rural ones — that they’re inundated with patient calls and are grateful for a free, easy-to-implement and easy-to-use solution,” shares Heather Lavoie, President and CEO of Geneia.

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Lifeguard Solutions launches app to streamline COVID-19 operations

Employee safety is the priority for organizations today, however, many lack the technology to support their staff. “Most health and safety workers do not have the proper tools to deal with a pandemic, and have reverted to paper forms, spreadsheets, and email tasking,” shares Michael Bower, CEO and Founder of Lifeguard Solutions.

Quickly, Lifeguard Solutions sprang into action, building a brand-new, free AppExchange app on the Salesforce Platform that helps businesses navigate and streamline COVID-19 operations and keep workers safe. It helps organizations combat and mitigate the effect of the COVID-19 virus. 

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Traction on Demand helps healthcare facilities in Canada with new app

Customers can now view, track, and allocate critical healthcare personnel with protective equipment and ventilator availability with Traction on Demand’s new Traction Thrive Critical Resource Care Management app. This AppExchange app, created in collaboration with Thrive Health, helps hospitals, nonprofits, and health systems during COVID-19. 

“In a time of crisis, it is crucial to be able to track your people and critical supplies in real time, so they can be allocated efficiently and effectively to save lives and ease pressure on the system,” says David Helliwell, Co-Founder and CEO of Thrive Health, in this post. Traction on Demand reports that almost 30 healthcare facilities in Canada have already adopted the app.

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I am so proud of these Salesforce partners. They are keeping the economy afloat with technology powered by Salesforce. I hope these stories inspire you as much as they inspire me.

These apps can be found on the AppExchange COVID-19 Resources page — a dedicated resource page with solutions and content to help you navigate this challenging time. This is an evolving resource, with solutions being continuously added, so check back and share feedback.

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