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Q2 Shopping Index: Introducing Our New, Redesigned Shopping Index

Q2 Shopping Index: Introducing Our New, Redesigned Shopping Index

The Salesforce Shopping Index has been a staple here at Salesforce for the last six years. We have now updated and redesigned this essential asset.

Our best asset just had a facelift! The Salesforce Shopping Index has been a staple here at Salesforce for the last six years. Loved both internally and externally among our customers and prospects, we now have new updates to one of our longest-running assets.

Here’s what we’ve been up to for the first half of the year.

New metrics

We’re excited to debut several metrics to the Salesforce Shopping Index. In total, we’ve added seven new data points to help you stay current on the latest trends in the retail industry. New metrics include:

  1. Artificial intelligence-powered recommendations usage and AOV impact
  2. Conversion rate by vertical and country
  3. Add to cart rate by device
  4. Units per transaction by vertical and country
  5. Cart abandonment rates by device
  6. Top five cities for digital commerce
  7. Search usage and revenue, now broken down by vertical and country

New vertical and country

New countries and verticals are always in demand. So, we are happy to announce that we now report on the footwear vertical and Spain. Here are a few quick insights about these two new data splits (and stay tuned for more additions in the future):

  1. Spanish shoppers are among the world’s most mobile with 73% of Q2 digital traffic coming from a mobile device.
  2. Spanish shoppers are especially social when visiting on their mobile devices. Ten percent of mobile traffic was referred from a social channel in Q2.
  3. Footwear shoppers are the most likely to convert (2.24% conversion rate) behind Health and Beauty (2.29%).
  4. Footwear retailers experienced strong digital revenue growth in Q2, growing 15% year over year.

New design and functionality

This new version of the Shopping Index is the biggest update to the page in years. Not only does the page have a fresh look and feel, but we’ve embedded several new features to make it easier to navigate. Beginning at the top of the page, you can now filter the entire page by country. This is a significant improvement over the previous version, which required you to filter each graph, one by one (but you can still filter each individual chart if you want to change your views). And, now with our new PDF printing function, you can now easily print and share each graph with colleagues after you filter it.


For more data-driven insights, check out the Q2 Shopping Index, which uncovers the true shopping story through analyzing the activity of more than 500 million shoppers across the globe, with a focus on key markets: U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Australia/New Zealand, and the Nordics. This battery of benchmarks provides a deep look into the last nine quarters and the current state of digital commerce.

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